[67] Night From Hell

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Tuesday morning came a lot quicker than I had wished. I was finally able to spend the night with Dean and it was totally what I'd been needing the past few weeks. Being able to roll over and see his icy blue eyes staring down at me warily is my favorite thing in the entire world.

"Mornin' sweets." He smiled, his voice all raspy and tired like he'd just woken up seconds before me.

"Morning." I smiled, stretching up to plant a kiss on his chin.

"I missed alla' this. I kinda' forgot what it was like to share a bed with you... I almost forgot how ya' hog all the blankets and take up the whole bed... Or how you'll have these little nightmares and cling to my side, I love it when you do that." He babbled on, smiling to himself as he spoke. 

I felt my cheeks burn, "Oh come on I don't hog the bed!" I argued, sitting up and glancing over how much space I had to the left of me and how close against Dean I was. Okay... Maybe I do. But I like to be close to him! I can't help that.

"You do, but it's alright. I don't mind. It's kinda' like a reminder that you're with me and I like that." 

I grinned again, laying back down and pulling myself against Dean's chest.

"God, what I would give to stay like this all day. But, we're runnin' late babe." Dean grumbled, as he pulled himself out of my hold.

I sat up again, glancing at the clock. It read 11:23 AM, and that was enough to send me rushing off of the bed and rummaging through my bag of clothes. We have a media day today and then Smackdown tonight, and media starts at about 11:30... No way we can make it in time.

"Dammit." Dean mumbled as he slid into his jeans from yesterday. "I ain't even gonna' have time to grab coffee." 

I sighed, brushing the knots out of my hair. "That means grumpy Dean kicks in at about four, right?"

"Yup." Dean frowned. 


We arrived at the arena, both kind of frantic over a text Dean had recieved from Roman. Something about how he needs to talk to us ASAP and it's really serious. And after Monday's events, this seriousness could be a life or death situation in the life of a WWE superstar.

We were finally able to track down Roman who surprisingly was talking to Randy and he actually seemed to be enjoying it. I felt Dean tense up the second his eyes laid on Randy and I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"What's so important, Rome?" Dean spoke, eyes locked on Roman as if Randy wasn't even there.

But the voice came from Randy, "So The Authority ain't takin' this whole betrayal thing lightly. I got to the arena a little early and ran into Steph - Well I tried to run from her, but you know how she is... She told me that whatever the four of us have going, it's already over. There's no going forward with it and she's going to make sure we pay for what we did. I don't know exactly what she means but I know we're all in for a night from Hell." 

Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes and rubbing his palm along his collar bone. I expected some sort of remark about how stupid this whole plan was but instead a smile actually found its way on his face. "We ain't goin' down alone. If they wanna drag us to Hell, they're comin' down with us."

I'm not gonna' lie, there's certainly a paranoia built inside of me where I gotta look over my shoulder every few seconds, make sure I'm not about to be beat over the head with a chair or something. But at the same time I kinda' like it, it's a rush.

We'd agreed to share Randy's dressing room since we decided it's best to stick together. There's no saying what or who is in on The Authorities plan, so we need to only rely on ourselves right now. There was a knock on the door that caught everybody by surprise. Each of our eyes locked on the door then looked around the circle at eachother.

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