[59] Part of the family

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For a few seconds I felt like Dean was quietly sleeping next to me until I went to stretch my arm across his chest and realized there was only a tangle of blankets where his body once was. My eyes shot open, scanning the room for him. But he's gone along with all his bags. 

My eyes locked on a yellow sticky note that laid on top of the mess he left. It read, 'Mornin babe sorry I had to leave you like this, me and Roman have some stuff to take care of before Smackdown. You looked too peaceful to wake up. I'll see you tonight, one way or another. promise. Just don't break my heart too bad this time. Love ya. - Dean'

His note brought a slight grin to my face but it didn't help cover the pain that settled in my heart. I hate that this plan is keeping us apart and even when we're together it's brief and it's not like it used to be. I know we'll be together soon but that day seems like it's a billion years away and I don' t want to wait.

But I have no choice. This is our reality, and this is what we have to do.


I found myself just hardly making it through the arena doors. My body is certainly feeling the backlash of the beating I received last night and it doesn't feel good. My head feels like it's going to explode and my ribs are sore. No matter what side I'm on, there will always be people out to get me. 

"Hey Paige, what's up with you? You're not lookin' so great." Steph's surprisingly upbeat voice quickly turned sour as her eyes locked on mine. 

"It's nothing really, don't worry - " I began but was quickly cut off by the body that hovered behind me in the doorway.

"She was attacked backstage last night by Adalia - Adalia Black." Seth's voice echoed.

Steph's expression dropped as she got to her feet taking a few steps closer to me. Her smile is gone and the look that took it's place is kind of scaring me.

"Adalia did this to you? Oh wow. Have you been to the trainer yet?" She asked, crossing her arms and observing my body movement.

"Yeah, minor conccusion and whiplash. The trainer said to give her a week off." Seth spoke for me, once again.

"Alright, okay. Well that certainly messes with tonights layout but it's not your fault, Paige. Sometimes you can't help that one jealous bitch backstage. We'll handle this. You just relax, sweetheart." A sly grin grew on her face and she wiggled my shoulder before her heels clicked down the hallway.

My eyes glared at Seth who sent a smile back. "I was totally capable of telling Steph all of that, as much as I didn't want to let her down..." I whined.

"I knew you were going to beat around the bush, so I stepped in. You can't sugarcoat things here, you have to be honest otherwise you won't get any revenge. I've learned quickly that The Authority knows how to avenge one of their own." He smiled.

I let out an annoyed sigh. Since when does Seth Rollins give a shit about me? It's a little weird. He went from hating my guts to saving my ass. What's up with this dude?

"Why do you care, Seth? Why is my wellbeing anything to you? You're supposed to hate me." The words slipped out of my mouth instantly, catching the both of us by surprise.

His eyes locked on mine for a second, "Because you're part of the family now... Sure, at first I despised you. I still don't like you. But I gotta' do what's best for business." He smirked.

A smile grew on my face, "I still don't like you either." 

Smackdown rolled on without much of a peep. We haven't spoke of a plan tonight but I know Roman and Dean have something up there sleeve. I'm a little antsy. I hate being stuck back here without a clue.


Seth has been set up for a match against Dolph Ziggler once again while Randy and Kane have a tag team match against The Usos. I'm stuck backstage with nothing to do but watch and listen. Awesome.

The growl of my stomach reminded me that I had skipped lunch and dinner today because of the reaccuring nausea this concussion has brought on. But now I can finally think about food without almost hurling. 

Just before I could make it into the catering area my arm was grabbed and tugged around the corner pulling me into a dark room. For a second my body went into panic mode but then the familiar scent filled my nose. Even though I couldn't see his face I could tell it was Dean who had just pulled me into the dark room.

His lips against mine solitified the fact, it is indeed Dean Ambrose kissing me right now. His lips mashed roughly against mine as his hands traveled up and down my waist. There's just something about his kisses that make all the bad things disappear.

"It's only been a few hours but, god, I missed you." Dean's voice whispered against my neck as his arms wrapped tightly around me, pulling me against his chest. 

But the tightness in his hold sent a shooting pain up my spine and let out a wince, Dean immediately released his hold taking a step back into the darkness.

"What? What's the matter?" He shouted, his voice full of concern.

I groaned, I thought maybe I could get away with him not knowing about what happened last night, and I'm certainly not lying to him. "Adalia attacked me last night, I'm fine, just a little concussion." I sighed.

Dean's hands were gently caressing my face as he closed the space between us once more. "Why didn't you say anything last night?" 

"Because last night was about being with you." I wrapped my arms around him again, feeling his security overwhelm my body.

He sighed, "Next time you're hurt let me know so I can at least take care of you, okay? God, Adalia's lucky that striking a women is totally against my rules." He chuckled a little.

I found myself quiet for a few seconds before the first words I blurted out were, "I hate this stupid plan. I hate being away from you. It's not like it's working anyways, can't we just trash it?" I whined.

Dean's sigh tickled my neck. "I know. It's shitty, I hate it too. But it's working. We know all their moves and eventually we'll be able to break them from the inside out. Just stay strong for me, okay babe? I know you can do it. You're doing so well." He spoke, squeezing my waist.

I nodded and pulled myself into his hug, letting it sink in that this might be the last time I get to hug him for a while. We're leaving for New York tonight and The Authority thought it would be a wonderful idea to room me with Randy Orton. Since they can afford a two bedroom suite, they figured it'd be best to keep me nearby in case anything happens. 

I hate it. I haven't even brought myself to tell Dean about it because I know he'll be pissed off about it. Thankfully him and Roman will be booked at another hotel so there's no way he could even try to sneak around to find me.

 "As much as I want to stay here like this, we can't... Paige, you just think for yourself alright. Do what you need to do. We'll be together soon. I love you." He pressed his lips against my forehead before speeding out of the doorway.

"Love you too." I mumbled as I watched him hurry off down the hallway.

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