[22] Defeated

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Surprisingly, after everything that's happened the past few days I'm in a relatively good mood right now. I know it won't last but I'm going to embrace it as much as possible, even if I look like an absolute mess and my face is throbbing.

I strolled around the backstage area sending smiles to whoever I happened to pass by. It's kinda' weird. I'm the vicious anti-diva and here I am throwing around smiles to passerbyers. It's funny when they try to react because they really don't exactly know how to. This is not something they should get used to.

As I turned the corner into catering my eyes caught a glimpse of the familiar, SWAT gear wearing, Dean Ambrose. I froze in place hoping that maybe I could sneak through here unnoticed. But immediately his eyes shot to mine.

He looks awful. He's sporting a black eye and looks like he hasn't slept in days. Something changed in his face after locking eyes with me for a few seconds. His expression almost looks defeated. He took a few steps in my direction but immediately thought against it and turned in the other direction making a quick exit. I leaned against the wall, rubbing my hand across my face. Disappointment settled in erasing any leftovers of that good mood that I knew wouldn't hang around.

I thought about following him and apologizing for everything but I can't, I don't have the balls and I have no idea what I would say. I'd probably end up sobbing like an idiot or something pathetic like that. 

"Ya' can't seem to get rid of me, huh?" Randy Orton chuckled as he broke me out of my thoughts. He leaned against the wall next to me, all dressed in his ring gear and super oiled up. "That's not really a bad thing." I smiled. It's almost like Randy knows when to talk to me and pull me out of the depths of hell that is my overthinking mind. "Heh. What do you mean by that?" He asked, crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't boost his ego. "You always show up when I'm eating myself alive on the inside." I mumbled.

He shifted his body so he was facing me. "What's going on in there?" He asked gently tapping his finger on my head. "Nothing important." I pulled myself away from the wall. His warm hand quickly grabbed my shoulder and he stared at me with concern. "Sure it's important. What's up?" He asked. I broke his stare and looked at the ground creating a weird silence. The viper actually actually cares for somebody that isn't himself? Shocker.

"Alright well my music is about to hit any second so I gotta' go get ready but, listen, I'm taking you out tonight whether you like it or not. You can tell me all about what's on your mind then." He smirked before jogging towards the curtain not allowing me to even process what he had just told me.

Did Randy Orton just say he's taking me out? He didn't even ask, he told me. I don't have much of a choice here. I guess I got a 'date' with the viper and I should probably spruce myself up a little bit...

I stepped out of the warm water allowing the chill of the cool air to send goosebumps throughout my body. There's no way I can fix the lower half of my busted up face to look any better than it does now so I guess I'll just have to make the top half of my face look distractingly good. Five minutes later and I had finished my hair and makeup. Anti-diva's don't need to spend hours in front of the mirror to know they look good.

All I have with me is a pair of highwaisted shorts and a black long sleeve crop top but it'll do. Not like we're going to some luxury restaraunt after the show. I threw on my doc martens and I'm ready to go. I can't help but be a little excited for our 'date'. I just hope he doesn't think that there is anything romantic between us. We've been socializing for hardly two days but somehow he has a big brother affect on me and I really like that.

I threw my stuff together and headed back into catering to catch the end of his match. It's Randy Orton vs CM Punk. These two have had an ongoing feud. Randy's hungry for another belt and he's got the US title locked in his view. Personally I would like to see Randy as a champion again. He plays the best heel, a lot of people hate him, and that's the kind of champion that is most entertaining to watch in my opinion.

But of course Randy kept coming up just a little too short so he resorted to a low blow to CM Punk and got himself disqualified. He finished Punk with an RKO and raised his own arm in victory. He's such an asshole, I love it.

As soon as he came backstage he immediately headed in my direction with a huge smile on his face. "So I assume you've taken me up on my offer, huh?" He huffed, out of breath and soaked in sweat. "As long as you promise not to look better than me." I laughed. He wiped the sweat from his brow, "Oh please, like that's possible. Lemme' go clean up and I'll meet you back here in like twenty." I couldn't help but smile, he just has the kind of presence that can light up a whole room.

I sat around in catering as it emptied out quickly since the shows over. There's a dark match happening between Seth Rollins and Kane but apparently most of the superstars don't care much for it.

My eyes caught Adalia who's ringside watching her poor little hound get his ass kicked. The divas championship stayed glued on her shoulder. If she thinks I'm done with her she's got another thing coming. I won't be done with her til that belt is around my waist. I'd look a lot better in it anyway.

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