[31] He's my serial killer

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"I hope you'll be cheering for me tonight" Dean spoke with a hint of concern or something in his voice. I watched him as he wrapped his fists in the usual black tape. It took me a few seconds to get what he meant.

"Are you jealous?" I shifted my weight and folded my arms. He glanced at me through his tangled hair and hesitated for a second. "You and Randy, you two are friends or?" He focused back on his fists ripping the tape viciously with his teeth.

I've been so consumed by Dean that I totally forgot about my blossoming friendship with Randy. Sure I just began talking to him but he's a cool guy and I certainly want to extend our friendship. I figured Dean wouldn't be much of a fan of that.

"He's just a friend, of course I'll be cheering for you." I smiled and gripped his hand in mine. His hand tensed up at my touch but quickly relaxed. "As fucked up as you are, well, as we are, there's nobody else that I'd rather be you know, kissing." I kind of stuttered. I don't exactly know where Dean and I stand but I'm happy that we're at least something. He chuckled and tugged me into his chest. "Good." He whispered before planting his lips against my forehead.

Dean stared at me as he waited for his music to hit. His electric blue eyes stand out as they peak through his tangle of soaking wet curls that hang so perfectly in front of his eyes. He may look like a serial killer but he's my serial killer.

His music blasted throughout the arena and he burst through the doors. The fans immediately began boo'ing at him, he's not the most liked guy in the arena. But like I always say: Any type of reaction is better than no reaction at all.

He stopped and looked back at me as if he expected me to be right behind him but I found myself frozen in place. The last time I went out to the ring with him I ruined everything. He shot me a smile and waved me on causing my legs to act on their own and force me down the stairway gripping his hand tightly on the way down.

"I hope you don't mind witnessing me make a victim out of Randy. He's had it coming for a long time. It's gonna' feel so nice to get my hands on him." Dean smirked as he pulled himself into the ring. Quite frankly I really don't want to see Randy get his ass kicked, but hey, he's not the only one who wants to be at the top of the list.

As Randy strolled down the ramp at his usual slow pace his eyes locked on mine. He did not expect to see me out here. He slid into the ring keeping his eyes locked on me, obviously Dean took this opportunity to strike him in the side of the head with multiple fists. "Eyes off my girl, you snake." Dean hissed as he backed off.

It hurts to see a friend get knocked down but it feels good to see Dean dominating. He's super underestimated which gives him a huge advantage against his opponents.

Once Randy got to his feet he glared at Dean, ready to charge at him the second the bell rings. "You and I both know she doesn't want to be out here. It's her job. Just like it's my job to kick your ass." Randy growled before ramming Dean into the corner and throwing hard fists into his face.

I could barely watch as Randy kept Dean down, not allowing him any time to breathe. Every now and then his eyes would shoot to mine, as if he's satisfied to be kicking Deans ass right in front of me. I'm not enjoying it one bit.

Dean was finally able to make it to his knees which resulted in a few knees to the face but he clearly has a back up plan. Deans forearm connected hard between Randy's legs resulting in an immediate disqualification. I felt my stomach drop as Randy dropped to his side, I never thought I'd see Dean take a disqualification over a win.

I crawled into the ring to Dean, making sure he's okay. His eyes are almost glazed over in an obvious pain. "You okay?" I asked as I helped him up slowly. His expression is so lost.

"You want to be out here with me right?" He forced out. The fact that he's asking me that question and obviously unsure of what I'll say breaks my heart. "Of course I want to be out here with you." I smiled. He whispered 'okay' as he pulled himself to his feet.

Randy leaned against the corner ropes glaring at me. "I can't believe you. You should know better." He whispered angrily. Dean launched at him but I pulled him back. Once Dean had calmed down a bit I took a few steps towards Randy before crouching in front of him, "The best surprises come from things you shouldn't do. Don't forget who told me that." I reminded him of his words from a few days ago. He sighed before breaking my stare.

I leaned against the wall waiting for Dean to clean himself up in the locker room. "What was all that?" The Vipers angry voice roared. I kept my eyes locked on a crumpled piece of paper that had been lying on the floor since I got here. "Paige?!" He snapped.

I glanced up to look into his angry eyes. "I thought you knew better." He sighed rubbing his large hand across the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes but remained silent lowering my gaze back to the floor. "He's not right for you, Paige. He's crazy, he's not right for anybody." He argued to himself.

"He is right for me." I shouted, angrily. "He's so right for me. He's the only person that has made me feel so good, he makes all the bad things go away... and you know what, we're all a little crazy so why does it matter?" Randy just kinda' stared down at me in disbelief. "Just don't come whining to me when he breaks your little heart, ag-" He was cut short by a fist connecting with his jaw knocking him to the floor.

My eyes shot to Dean who had just hit Randy. Then they shot to Randy who's gripping his face and pulling himself towards the wall behind him. A weird silence followed as Dean huffed next to me glaring at Randy. I just stood there in the middle of it unsure of what to do.

"Alright." Randy breathed as he got back to his feet. "You oughta get the hell over this freak show because after Sunday, he'll be no more. He'll break your heart, or I'll do it for him. You pick." He spat before strolling down the hallway.

Both Dean and I stood there in silence allowing the whole thing to process. Why do I always have to fight for the good things in life? Can't just a couple of good things come to me and stick around? 

"I broke your heart?" Dean asked as his gaze returned to mine carefully. "What?" I asked in shock as I leaned back against the cold concrete wall. "He was saying not to come crying to him... again... because of me breaking your heart or something. I heard everything you two said." He spoke sternly in the most serious tone I've ever heard his voice. It's not a scary serious, but kind of like an angry dad serious.

He may not have broken my heart but it really hurt when I saw him and Summer, you know, kissing or whatever. It hurt a lot especially because I told him about what I'd been through back at NXT just the night before. We had gotten so close and I thought it had just crumbled down along with everything else. It seriously hurt me.

Dean's hand wrapped around mine bringing me back to reality. He stared down at me with a worried stare. "Don't worry about it." I smiled weakly. "I will worry about it. Paige, did I hurt you that bad?" He asked once again. I shook my head and dropped my eyes to the floor. "It was just all in my head, it was all me." I mumbled as if I were talking to myself. He sighed in defeat, "I'm sorry." He apologized with all the sincerity in the world before pulling me into the most securing hug I've ever received.

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