[8] Fixer Upper

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I've got a fat lip and 4 stitches. I look horrible. I'm out of the ring for two days. But I swear next time I see Adalia I'm going to prove to her that she's not the only one running this yard. It's going to be taken over very soon by me. She shouldn't get too comfortable.

"Wait, wait, wait... So you hit Dean Ambrose and his reaction was to help YOU?"AJ asked from the drivers seat. I nodded. That's exactly what happened and I'm kind of freaked out. "I don't get it." Neither do I.

"So you have a match with Adalia?" I asked as I got out of the car. "Yep!" She smiled excitedly as she struggled to pull her bag out of the trunk. "Kick her ass for me." I pointed to my swollen lip. "Of course! Make sure you're watching." She smiled.

We made our way into the arena. AJ went into the locker room to change and I just sat by myself in catering, fooling around with my phone. I'm so upset I can't compete tonight, after everything that happened I just want to be in the ring and take out my anger.

A hand on my shoulder nearly sent me out of my seat. "I thought you weren't scared of me." Deans voice whispered as he sat next to me. Now isn't the time. I tried to ignore him but his hand found its way to my chin and pulled my face so he could see it. He examined my lip for a second. His lip is only a little scabbed up thanks to me. I've left more marks on The Shield than I have on the divas. "What are you doing?" I asked as I pulled my face away and dropped my hair between us.

"I thought I should get to know my teammate a little better." He spoke. I shrugged and twirled my hair between my fingers. "Oh come on don't be like that." Dean whispered as he tucked my hair behind my ear. I could feel my cheeks heat up from his touch and I really hope he doesn't notice.

"You're blushing." He stated, a smirk formed on his lips. I turned my face away from his. This is so awkward. He shifted in his seat and became quiet for a few minutes. An awkward silence followed.

"I'm sorry." He apologized, a little more sincere this time but still not enough for me to accept it. I sent him a glare. I don't understand this guy one bit, he's got so many different personalities. One minute he hates me and he's threatening my life and the next he's being all sweet and confusing.

"Fucking shit, Paige. Talk to me!" He yelled and slammed his fist against the table. My eyes met his again, they're frustrated. "I don't understand you Dean Ambrose." He smiled a little but quickly hid it, "That makes two of us then." That brought a smile to my lips that stung against my wound but I ignored it.

All these little girl emotions run through me whenever Dean's here. I feel like a teenager again, with a nasty crush. You know? The butterflies and the nerves. It certainly weirds me out because it happened so quickly. I'm trying to push the feelings down but no matter what I do they always manage to creep up.

"You're one strange girl, Paige." His voice broke into my thoughts. I raised my brow at him. "I'm strange?" I laughed. He nodded, "Yeah. You are." He had a smile on his face and I could hear it in his voice. It's bizarre to see Dean actually smiley, and not in a total kill everything kind of mood. I think I like this part of him a little more. It almost makes me want to fix him, so he's like this all the time. He's a fixer upper for sure. But sometimes those are the best ones.

Once I brought myself back to the real world I noticed Dean staring at me. His eyes traced along my jaw and examined every part of my face. I don't know what he's doing but it's making me uncomfortable. His eyes locked on my lip and his finger gently traced over the wound. "That's my fault." He whispered as if he was talking to himself.

In hardly a second he went from curious to furious. His fist slammed against the table and he pushed himself out of the seat, leaned agains the table. "You didn't do this." I pointed to my lip, confused. His angry eyes shot to mine. They look crazy." I can't do this again." He yelled and stormed off, running his hands through his hair.

Do what? I almost want to follow him and ask him every question on my mind. I'm sick of wondering. I want to learn everything about him and fix him. I want him to be okay. But why? Why should I give a shit about him?

After a 5 minute war in my head I got up to follow Dean. I want answers. I stalked the hallway he stormed through and a mess of destruction had been left behind. He's been here.

I peaked through every door with no success. There's a door that leads to the back parking lot at the end of the hallway and that's the last bit of hope I have for finding him. I wish I didn't care. I wish I could just leave him be. I feel like a pathetic teenage girl.

The cold air hit me as I peaked outside of the door. Dean sat leaned against the wall with his head in his hands. His sandy blonde hair is a crazy mess. I gently shut the for behind me and his eyes shot to mine.

"Hi." I whispered with a smile and shoved my hands into my pocket. He let out a loud sigh. "You really shouldn't follow me." He spoke angrily and hushed. I shouldn't. I sat on the ground next to him. His body is shaking gently and he's breathing irregularly. I almost want to wrap my arms around him and tell him it's okay but that's not me, and I know that's not him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. I hate worrying about other people. But I can't help it this time. He let out a chuckle and ran his hands through his hair. "Fucking phenomenal." He lied.

I sighed and scanned his face. His eyes are weary and angry. Yet they look confused. He's got the claw marks over his eyes again.

"Why the fuck do you care, Paige? What the hell am I to you? I'm nothing. You shouldn't care about me" He began ranting and quickly got to his feet and paced back and forth.

"You're right." I pulled myself to my feet, "I shouldn't care. But I fucking do... I don't know why either." I yelled, frustrated. His eyes shot to mine and he looked like he wanted to kill me for a second. "Don't. Don't fucking do it." He growled. I wish it were that easy. I wish I could just throw all these feelings away because they scare me. "It's not that easy." I whispered.

He paced back and forth for a while but seemed to have calmed down a little. "The last time somebody cared about me, it fucked me up. It fucked everything up. Okay?" He spoke more seriously this time. I sighed and ran my hand over my face. "But now I have nothing to lose." He whispered.

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