[34] Take her down

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"Congratulations babe." Dean wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. His sudden touch sent a wonderful feeling throughout my body. His random sweetness is a bit weird considering his bitter mood earlier, but instead of asking questions I just soaked it in.

"We'll both be champions after Sunday." I smiled as I turned to face him. He smiled down at me but his eyes told a different story. They're scared or something, whatever it is it's not good. If I ask him what's wrong he'll brush it off and hide again.

"Alright I should go get ready for my match." He sighed as he pulled himself away from me. I stared at him, pouting. "Can't you just skip your match?" I whined grabbing at his hands. He chuckled to himself. "I wish I could." He pulled his hands out of my hold and locked his eyes on the ground. I can't take it anymore.

"What's up with you, Dean?" I asked as I folded my arms against my chest. He groaned and rubbed his palm against his chest roughly. "I don't want you out there tonight." He spoke sternly. That can't be all but clearly he's not going to give me any sort of explanation. "Fine, whatever." I rolled my eyes and stormed away from him. Maybe he just needs a little space...

Before I could make it into the locker room I bumped into somebody. I should learn to keep my eyes off of the floor and pay a bit more attention to where I'm going. As my eyes rose from the floor I recognized the body. "Sorry." I whispered before trying to step out of his way.

The viper, Randy Orton grabbed my arm tightly not allowing me to escape. "Paige, can we talk?" He asked as his eyes flicked around, probably looking for Dean. Oh god that's never good but I nodded anyway. He pulled me around the corner out of sight.

"Listen, I may hate your boyfriend but I still think you're a cool chick and it would be a shame if our friendship was ruined because of him." He spoke. The word boyfriend kind of kicked me in the stomach because I don't know whether Dean is my boyfriend or not, I really don't know where I stand with him.

"Yeah." I began, unsure of what to really say. "He's uh, you should just skip your match with him tonight. He's being really, you know, weird and it's kind of scaring me." I stuttered.

"Ambrose is always strange." He chuckled to himself. That helped bring a smile to my face. He is very strange. "I'll be okay, I've had my fair share of strange dudes. Ambrose doesn't scare me." He smirked confidently. "Just be careful. Don't hurt him too bad either." I whined. He patted my shoulder and smirked, "Don't worry." He said before strolling down the hallway.

The anxiety inside of me buzzed around like crazy. I don't know what to do with myself. AJ's nowhere to be found and she isn't replying to my texts. I need something to get my mind off of Dean and if something doesn't come up quickly I know that I'll end up watching his match. If I can't be ringside then I know I shouldn't bother watching. If something wild were to happen I wouldn't be able to stop myself from running out there, and he doesn't want that.

The backstage area crowded with superstars who kept there eyes off of me and did their own thing. I really need AJ right now, or just somebody. I'm driving myself insane. I guess if I just keep my head down, occasionally checking in front of me for possible bodies I may bump into, and don't stop walking I'll be alright.

"Hey, uh, Paige?" A mans voice shouted from behind me, one that I don't particularly recognize. I stopped in my tracks and turned around searching through the sea of superstars for the one that just shouted out my name. Maybe I'm just hearing things?

But seconds later the monstrous Roman Reigns emerged from the crowd and stopped in front of me. I balled my fists against my hips just in case I need them, peering around his body for Adalia. "Don't worry, I'm alone." He smiled. I squinted my eyes at him, not quite understanding why he would want anything to do with me. He looked around before grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side of the busy hallway.

"What's up?" He asked as if he were trying to spark up a conversation. I stared at him for a few more seconds. Why the hell is he talking to me? "Is this like some sort of set up where any second Adalia's going to catch me off guard and rip me apart?" I asked as I glanced around, but she's no where to be found. He laughed and shook his head, "No, she's with Seth somewhere." He shrugged.

"Okay, well, why are you talking to me?" I asked bluntly. "Those two get a little boring sometimes, ya know. I'm sick of watching them be all lovey dovey all the time. How's uh, how's Dean?" He asked, folding his arms. That made it all clear. He misses his former "brother".

I leaned against the wall smirking at him, "You miss him, don't you?" I asked smugly. He sighed without an answer. "I knew it was her, she's the one that ruined it all between the three of you. Now she's pushing Seth away from you, huh?" I folded my arms against my chest. "She was a cool chick to begin with but now she's all cocky and shit. Seth's been different the past few months too, like he's done with me or something." He spilled.

Leave it to Adalia to tear apart one of the biggest, most powerful factions that the WWE has ever seen. I've always known that she could be a manipulative bitch but I guess I've underestimated her. She's really not as sweet as everybody thinks she is.

"I'll take her down." I began. His eyes focused on mine as he tried to understand what I mean. "She'll be nothing without that belt, she'll be lost." I smiled. He kind of frowned in response, remaining silent.

"Tell Dean I miss him, he seems like he's doing a lot better with you around." He patted my shoulder before gliding into the passing crowd of superstars. That was a little weird, totally unexpected.

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