[33] In control

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Paige's POV

"I'm scheduled to guest referee a match between Adalia and Summer Rae tonight..." I glanced up from my email to Dean whose eyes are locked on mine but his mind is clearly somewhere else. I waited for a response but once again didn't get one. He's been like this all morning, distant and quiet.

I sighed in defeat, his weird mood is kind of making it hard for me to be any sort of happy for the match I'll be in tonight. Once again I returned my eyes to the screen of my phone and continued scanning tonights lineup for Smackdown which will air on Friday, two days before Payback. This is the show that really sells the PPV so it's got to be a good one.

"You have a match against Randy Orton." A sudden shock appeared in his eyes as he snatched my phone from my hand. He remained silent as his eyes scanned over the email.

"I suggest you don't watch my match tonight." Deans voice finally spoke in a low and almost eerie tone. I stared at him for a moment waiting for him to explain why, which he kind of did, "Randy will not be walking out of that arena. You don't want to see how he'll be leaving." The seriousness in his voice creeps me out. He doesn't want to hurt Randy, he needs to.

To be honest I don't know why he hates him so much, or why he has this desire to hurt him. But I know better than to ask questions.

"I'm going out there with you." I spoke seriously. He shook his head with a sly grin, "You're not." His voice remained serious and almost promising, as if he were promising me I wouldn't be ringside. He's delusional. "Dean." I shook my head before drifting into the bathroom to finish my makeup.

We arrived at the arena in silence. Dean hadn't spoke and I hadn't bothered to urge him. I don't know what's up with him but I know I shouldn't ask, with his personality one question could send him into a crazy rage. If it's a big enough deal he'll tell me.

"You had no problem abandoning me a few weeks ago, why is it such a big deal now?" He snapped as we made it into the arena. My stomach twisted at his words, reminding me of everything that had happened that night. The smile from my face immediately dropped as I focused my eyes on the floor. "Fuck, sorry. I just, you don't want to see what I'm going to do to him." He grabbed my arm.

I shook out of his hold taking a step back, refocusing my eyes on his. "Don't tell me what I don't want. You have no idea." I snapped, letting all of the frustration out. I shouldn't be upset but I hate being told what to do and it's irritating me that he's demanding me around all of a sudden. Plus his recent mood has really rubbed me the wrong way.

His eyes widened at my sudden outburst. "Suit yourself." He ran his hand roughly across his chest before heading down the hallway and into the locker room. What the fuck is up with him lately?

The match that I'll be refereeing is next. I spent most of the night learning the basics with one of the referees. I have a feeling my hand won't hit the mat three times at all during this match though. It depends how I feel. I'm in control.

I caught a glimpse of Dean as I headed towards the curtain. He sat alone at a table ripping at his hair and talking to himself. I should go talk to him or at least try to pull him out of his insanity. As I took a step in his direction my theme hit and I was forced to turn towards the curtain instead.

Adalia and Summer stood in the ring, glaring at me and then back at eachother. This is going to be messy. I slid into the ring and eyed them both up and down.

"Listen, you don't like us and we don't like you but for once in your life can you do something professional and call this match right down the line?" Summer spoke in a wannabe sweet tone. I rolled my eyes. "Just like I'm the better woman in this ring, I'll be the better referee. Don't worry I'm used to being better." I smirked.

I called for the bell and waited for the two to go at it. I don't plan on using all the reffing skills I learned today during this match. I'd rather just watch them tear eachother apart and maybe miss a count or two. Either way, this is benefitting me.

Adalia was the first to shove Summer into the corner and hit her with multiple fists. As a referee I should probably break them apart after five hits but, maybe I'll make it ten.

After many very necessary hits to Summer's face I finally tore Adalia off of her. "Don't make me disqualify you, or do, I probably wouldn't anyway." I smiled as I let her go after Summer again.

Needless to say, I've done a very shitty job as a referee during this match. The two of them probably could have been disqualified about three times each. But, they're destroying eachother and I'm enjoying it so why the hell would I want to just end it.

Adalia finally covered Summer Rae for the pin which, for the first time, I dropped down quickly and hit my hand against the mat three times. Quick count? Absolutely. But I think they've both endured enough pain for one night and I'm getting a bit tired standing out here.

I raised Adalia's hand in victory as she stared at me cautiously, ready to attack if I made a move on her. I lowered her hand and smiled, "You're lucky I'm not going to do to you, what you did to me last night. I want there to be some of you left the next time we have a match together. That belt's going to mine real soon." I spoke as I took a few steps away from her. She eyed me up and down and rolled her eyes before stepping through the ropes.

But the familiar face of Vickie Guerrero came through the curtain screaming, "Excuse me!" at the top of her lungs. The sight of Vickie makes a lot of people sick but I actually get a bit excited, she's got to be out here to deliver some type of news. I hope it's good.

"The three of you girls seem to have a lot of friction between you." She began as she stepped down the ramp. My eyes flicked from Adalia who stood outside the ring to Summer Rae who is recovering in the corner. "I think the only way to settle the friction is to have a triple threat-" The crowd began cheering loudly cutting her off. I like where this is going. "-and the perfect triple threat match would be this Sunday, at Payback, for the divas championship!" She shouted excitedly.

An explosion of happiness and excitement erupted inside of me. I have a championship match on my first WWE PPV! There's no way I'm walking out of the arena on Sunday without that title. I'm going to be divas champion!

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