[20] Sister Abigail

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I paced around backstage as Dean's theme echoe'd through the arena. I'm dredding the moment I have to walk through the curtains. I don't want to be out there with him and I most definitely don't want to be out there with The Wyatts. At least I kind of like The Usos so I don't have any problem cheering for them.

The Usos theme hit and they made their usual, exciting entrance. Those wild samoans always manage to pump a little bit of energy into my veins with their entrance. But the fact that my entrance is next kind of drained any excitement out of me. I don't want to do this.

I jumped up and down, shaking the nerves out of my hands. My theme hit and I ran through the curtain trying to soak up the energy that the crowd gave off. That helped a little bit. I locked my eyes onto the ring and walked down the ramp before walking around the ring. I can feel Dean's eyes burning holes in my back as I kept my eyes locked on the floor.

When the lights blacked out for The Wyatts entrance I didn't feel as afraid as I had expected. I gripped lightly against the apron and watched as Bray lit his little lamp. "Orlando, We're here." He whispered before blowing out the lantern.

The beginning of the match dragged on as Jimmy and Harper went at it. Dean's standing only a few feet away from me and it's making my stomach feel all kinds of strange. I managed to focus on the match and take my mind off of him a little bit.

I knew it was bound to happen. Dean squatted on the corner looking down at me, ready to say something. "Why are you out here?" He asked hesitantly. I rolled my eyes. "Really? That's all you have to say?" I spoke angrily. He shook his head and looked at the floor. "Trust me, I don't want to be out here but I have no choice." I hissed angrily. His expression changed a little bit as he went back to focus on the match.

Dean's getting his ass handed to him by Rowan and it's actually quite satisfying to watch. It took a lot for me to not cheer every time Dean would get knocked down. He hasn't been able to take control at all during this match.

Dean managed to counter one of Rowan's moves and bend him into the crossface chicken wing. The other two Wyatts know that Rowan isn't going to last much longer as they stepped into the ring but The Usos immediately charged at them and Bray managed to slide through the ropes out of harms way. Unluckily for Harper, he's getting a pretty little beat down by The Usos.

Rowan came closer and closer to tapping out and Bray began panicking ringside until his attention quickly locked on me and a sickening grin grew across his face. He began stalking me but I found myself backed into the barricade as he closed the space between us. I glanced up at Dean who has no idea what's going on over here, and the Usos who are too busy attacking Harper.

"Hey pretty little lady." Bray cooe'd as he stood a foot away from me. "Get away from me." I growled. He laughed and roughly grabbed my arm pulling me out of the corner. I froze in fear as he dragged me towards the ramp. I tried to squirm out of his hold but I can't.

Once Dean's eyes caught what was happening he immediately dropped Rowan and sprinted towards the ropes. Bray then spun me down as he set me up for Sister Abigail. If he connects this move on me, right here, I will be out of action for a long time. Dean slid out of the ring. Bray laughed maniacally, "Come any closer and your little darling will be visiting Abigail." He shouted in laughter.

Dean began panicking a few feet away, pacing back and forth and ripping at his hair. I can't slip out of Bray's hold and I'm starting to freak out. Bray's lips met my forehead as he gave me the kiss of death getting ready to connect his finisher. But he was attacked from behind.

I dropped to the ground and immediately Dean was at my side pulling me away from Bray who's been attacked. I let my nerves cool for a few seconds before realizing whos arms I'm resting in. Immediately I pulled myself away from Dean and fell to the ground once more. I caught a glimpse of the man who attacked Bray as he continued viciously slamming him into the steel steps. Randy Orton.

Deans arms wrapped around me once more as he pulled me off of the ground. "I said stay the fuck away from me." I yelled as I shoved him away from me once again. I backed away from him and took a few steps up the ramp. Randy glanced up at me after beating the life out of Bray Wyatt, as if he were asking 'Is this enough?' I nodded and he walked up the ramp to meet me. Dean watched Randy with confusion.

"You oughta' start hanging around real men." Randy laughed as he stood at my side. I agree with him. I took one last glance of the carnage at ringside. Harper and Rowan have been taken out by The Usos who are standing proudly over them, Bray has been absolutely destroyed by Randy Orton, and Dean's having a fit ringside. I turned around and Randy gently placed his arm around my neck as we walked backstage together.

What a turn of events. That was the last thing I had expected to happen, actually I didn't ever think any of that would even happen. "You alright?" Randy asked as we made it backstage. "I think so, thanks for that." I smiled. It feels really weird to be walking backstage with Randy.

"Yeah well I wasn't gonna' let Bray Wyatt end your career." He chuckled. Bray probably would have ended it too. That finisher takes out a lot of guys, but that finisher on the steel ramp, to a tiny body like mine, would not be a pretty sight.

"What's with you and Ambrose anyway, why are you hanging around with a lunatic?" He asked as he grabbed a bottle of water from the cooler. I felt my stomach drop and the smile fall from my face. "Steph wanted us to be a mixed tag team and she liked how that turned out, so I'm stuck with him unfortunately." I shrugged. Randy laughed. "Oh, gotcha'. Well hey I gotta' get going. I'll see ya' around." Randy said as he sped back towards the curtain, preparing himself for his match.

It's definitely a bit surprising to me that out of all the superstars, Randy Orton would be the one to save me out there. Randy always does what's best for Randy, he's never the one to help somebody out. You could think he was doing that all for himself just to look good but I geniunly think he wanted to help me out.

"What the fuck was all that?" The familiar angry voice of Dean shouted from down the hallway.

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