[57] Special OP

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As much as I'd love to be in my hotel bed right now, I can't be. I'm stuck here and forced to watch Dean and Roman get their asses handed to them by The Wyatt Family. 

As if it were on cue the modified version of The Shield's special op echoed through the arena. Seconds later Roman and Dean were charging through the crowd and hopping the barricade into the ring. This is their first entrance together and it's just like old times. You almost forget that their bastard of a traitor ex brother, Seth Rollins was ever a part of that stable.

The room went silent as we all gathered our attention onto the screen watching as Roman took an easy advantage to Luke Harper, throwing him around like a rag doll. The other two Wyatts watched angrily from their corner, while Dean looked on with a crazed grin.

The match rolled on with The Shield taking control as they consistantly tagged in eachother and kept Erick Rowan trapped in their corner far away from his family.

"Alright, this is not going as we planned! I'm going out there. I won't do anything stupid, just a simple distraction." Seth growled as he headed towards the door. Randy sent him a nod as he rushed out the door.

Seconds later Dean's attention locked on the ramp as Seth made his entrance. With Roman resting on the mat on the other side of the ring, he has no idea that Seth is even out there.

Seconds later Harper rolled Dean into a small package and picked up the victory. Once Roman heard the bell he hurried into the ring to save Dean who was now being attacked by all three of the Wyatts. It hurts to watch. Roman didn't make much of a difference either as Seth snuck into the ring and caught him by surprise.

"Idiot..." Randy whispered as he kept his eyes glued on the screen.

Finally Roman and Dean were able to escape and get out of harms way, but there's no way they're 100% after that brutal beating. I freakin' hate having to watch them suffer so much. This plan is supposed to benefit them but so far it's just putting The Authority farther forward. 

"I'm gonna' go change and head out. Night guys." I waved as I stepped towards the door but stopped when Seths hand caught my wrist.

"You sure you're okay? I don't think you're supposed to drive with a concussion..." Seth reminded me of my throbbing headache I had managed to ignore. I sighed. He's right, I shouldn't drive and now I'm left with nobody to depend on for things like this.

"I'd rather drive with a concussion than with you." I smirked.

"I'll drive you. Meet me outside in half an hour, kay?" Randy spoke as he got to his feet. Now that, that I'm a little more okay with.

"Will the two of you ever not hate me?" Seth mumbled as he headed down the hallway.

As I headed out towards the parking lot I heard a familiar voice. That voice brought a giant smile to my face as I hurried around the corner. There was Dean with his back towards me. But the person who stood in front of him brought a sour feeling to my stomach, Adalia. I backed around the corner listening in on their conversation.

"Remember when we were friends, Dean? Why can't we have that back. It's not like anything went wrong between us." She whined. 

Dean sighed, "You know better. You're the reason I turned my back on them and you know that. You fucked things up for me big time... Don't play dumb with me. I can't even - "

"You loved me Dean! You can't just be over that because of that - that bitch. You have to still have some sort of feelings..." 

"I got over it, in fact I wouldn't even call that love... Just knock it off, Adalia. You and I are two people from a very different crowd. Jus' leave it at that, we don't need eachother." Dean's voice became annoyed.

"Fine, whatever. I just figured since, you know, she's getting all cozy with Seth you'd want to get her back." She hissed before her footsteps stomped down the hall way.

That all hit me so hard. I know I wasn't supposed to hear any of that, but just the fact that Dean hid that from me hurts. He loved somebody else before me and the fact that it was her out of all the people, that's harsh. If he could just brush her off like that could he brush me away like that too?

But my anger took over and I stormed around the corner, grabbing Dean's arm and turning him around quickly. His face changed from pissed the hell off to excited in seconds, but I'm sure the look on my face caught him off guard.

"You heard all that?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Uh, yeah. What the hell, Dean? You just weren't ever going to tell me that you were in love with Adalia? Out of all the fuckin' people, you loved her?! That's kind of a big deal..." I felt my temper rising.

"It was nothin', you know. Nothin' to worry about." He said, trying to grab my hands but I shoved them into my pockets and took a step away from him. 

"Is that how I'll end up once you're done with me? Thrown to the side and forgotten about. Is that what you do?" I asked, I could feel the tears building in my eyes. 

"You're being way too dramatic about this, Paige. You know I -" He stopped talking and his gaze shot behind me. Judging by the look on his face, it was Randy or Seth.

"I fucking hate you, Dean Ambrose. You are nothing to me!" I yelled, yelling the first words that came to mind just in case it was one of them.

Not even two seconds later and I was shoved behind a large body, the tattooed covered arms gave it away. Randy Orton stood in front of me, staring down Dean Ambrose.

"You move the hell outta' here or you won't know what hit you." Randy threatened.

Dean stormed down the hallway, leaving a mess behind him like usual when he's pissed off. I felt my stomach turn weak as everything hit me once again. What the fuck is going on between us?

"You okay? What was that about?" Randy asked as he turned around and his eyes scanned over me as if he were checking for marks or something.

I nodded my head, afraid to speak and let my motions out. "Mm'yeah I'm fine." I mumbled, lowering my gaze to the ground so Randy couldn't see the tears in my eyes.

The ride to the hotel was quiet and awkward. Of course Randy has to be that guy that doesn't play music so it's just way too silent. I almost want to just turn the radio on really loud to drain out the noise in my head but I don't want to draw any attention towards myself. I'd rather have the silence than a million questions from Randy.

But as if he could read my mind, "Do you still love him?" He asked bluntly. 

I took it like a kick in the stomach. I didn't expect it and it knocked the wind out of me. Do I still love Dean? Well of course. He doesn't know me and Dean are still together. 

I can't lie anymore, "I still love him." I replied quietly. But the scary thing is if I were to be asked that same question after Dean and I had a nasty breakup the answer would be the same. I will always love him, I don't think I could stop if I ever tried and that's a scary thing.

That's why it really hurts that he once loved Adalia and he never thought to even let me know. You can't just stop loving somebody, it's not easy like that. It takes way too long to get over it. 

"I thought you might." Was all Randy said, leaving me confused and a little afraid. Does he know about our plan? Is he going to rat me out? 

"It's just hard, you know, I love him but I hate him so much." I whispered.

"It's okay. It takes time, Paige. Just don't fall for his bullshit, guys like him spit a lot of that trash. He'll do anything in his power to get you back and you need to stay strong and ignore it. I've dealt with guys like him way too many times. You're gonna' be okay, I won't let him hurt you." Randy spoke, picking his words wisely. 

I felt a smile creep up on my face. He bought it. I swear these guys are so damn gullible. But at the same time, Randy cares about me and that means a lot coming from a guy like him. I don't want our friendship to go to shit when this is all over with.

No matter what, everything is being destroyed and I'm not even trying.

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