[9] We're here

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I made my way into catering just in time to catch the end of AJ's match. I'm the worst person ever, I promised I'd be watching. She's got Adalia set up for the black widow, she might actually win this.

Once AJ wrapped herself around Adalia, Seth and Roman went crazy at ringside. They know their little princess will tap and they can't do anything about it. A sly grin grew on my face as I watched Adalia inch closer and closer to tapping out.

Suddenly two girls slid into the ring and attacked AJ. Two very familiar twins. The Bella's. Come on! I stood there watching and hoping AJ would power out but she stopped fighting back. I can't just watch.

I ran through the curtain and towards the ring. They glared down at me with smug smiles. Why the hell are they helping Adalia? Everybody knows the Bella's are the biggest bitches in WWE.

3 on 1 isn't my specialty but I'm not going to just let them ravage AJ. They let me get into the ring as they all stood their ground, ready to attack.

I made the first move and charged at Adalia, managing to knock her to the ground and get a couple punches in before the Bella's got their hands on me. I tried to fight back but it was almost pointless.

They finally let up and I was able to get to my feet. I turned around and received a massive spear from Adalia. Pain shot through my spine, and I could hardly move. I feel so pathetic.

I watched as they all exited the arena, satisfied smiles on each of their faces. I can't wait til I can get my hands on one of them in a fair environment.

I turned my attention to AJ who doesn't look so good. Her eyes are dazed and confused and she's hardly moving. "AJ, speak to me." I began to panic. "Yeah, mm yeah I'm okay." She tried to sit up and ran her hand over her face.

Suddenly the lights went out and a familiar eerie slogan echoed through the arena. "We're here." I felt my heart race and my skin tingle. The Wyatt family...

I'm not ashamed to say that I'm scared of the Wyatt family, they're some screwed up creeps that belong in the woods, not here. The darkness surrounded me and I could only drag AJ and myself into the far corner.

I helped AJ out of the ring but before I could make it through the ropes, my arm was caught in a warm grasp. The lights flicked on and Bray stared down at me with a sickening grin. "Hey doll face." He yanked me towards him and I fell to my knees. He squatted in front of me and stared into my eyes. His face is menacing. I could almost feel the fear begin to paralyze me.

I scrambled to my feet and backed into the corner hardly distancing myself from him. "Fuck off." I yelled but the fear overpowered my voice. Bray laughed at me and inched closer and closer. "You won't like any of what's coming, I promise." He whispered in my ear.

Suddenly Harper was attacked and Bray and Rowen turned their attention to the distraction allowing me to roll out of the ring, hardly able to catch myself on my feet. Dean had just saved me from yet another possibly deadly situation, but unfortunately he's put himself in one as the Wyatt's destroy him. He doesn't stand a chance against the three of them.

I searched under the ring and grabbed a steel chair. I can't just watch and obviously my fists aren't going to take out three weirdos, but a chair might. I snuck into the ring and beat the chair across Brays back but he only turned around and knocked the chair out of my shaky grasp. A sick laugh escaped his lips as he roughly grabbed a handful of my hair and tossed me across the ring like a rag doll.

I laid on the mat and watched the beat down that Dean is receiving. He's not even moving at this point. The Wyatt's aren't showing any signs of stopping either and I know there's nothing I can do but hope it ends soon.

A few minutes passed before Bray hit Dean with sister Abigail, for a third time, and then they all retreated. Finally. I crawled towards him but a shocking pain down my spine made it difficult. His forehead is caked in blood and he's not moving. Please be okay.

"Dean." I whispered as I crawled to his almost lifeless body. His eyes fluttered open and a groan escaped his lips. He tried to sit up but the pain must be too unbearable and he just rolled to his side. "Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked stupidly, of course he's not okay.

He managed to pull himself up into a sitting position with a little bit of my help. His eyes are lost and confused. Finally a doctor made his way into the ring and quickly began shining lights into Deans eyes and feeling his pulse. I don't like this.

Dean shoved the doctor away roughly with his last bit of energy and turned his attention to me. "Please don't go." He whispered, clearly. I don't know what he means but I won't go. "I won't. I won't leave." I forced a weak smile and he let out a sigh of relief, letting the doctor check him out.

As the doctor checked on Dean in the trainers room I stood close and watched. Deans been checking to make sure I'm still here almost every few minutes. I'm so confused, I don't understand anything that just happened.

Back when Dean was with The Shield they had a feud with the Wyatt's. During the last match they fully had together Dean kinda' lost it and brutalized Bray then the Wyatt's disappeared for a while. This must be their vengeance.

It feels like we've been in the trainers room forever. I pulled out my phone and told AJ not to wait for me, I'll be a while and the hotel isn't too far. She witnessed the whole beat down so she should understand. I shouldn't let Dean drive to the hotel alone anyway.

Finally the doctor came to conclusion that Dean has a mild concussion and bruised ribs. He has to take a few days off. He pulled himself off of the table and nearly fell but caught himself in my shoulder. A smile grew on his face. "You didn't leave." He whispered. I nodded, "of course not."

We sat in catering while Dean made a mess out of his chicken and potatoes that has yet to touch his mouth. He's a mess after what happened and I wish I knew how to make this whole weird situation a little easier.

"Don't leave." He spoke again, confusing me. My eyes shot to his but he just stared back almost defenseless. "I won't." A smile grew on his face as I said that.

"Stay with me tonight?" He asked, randomly. I felt a rush of nerves shoot through my body. I gave him a weary nod. After that experience I really wouldn't feel "safer" anywhere else, so it doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Safer? With Dean Ambrose? Ha right.

I offered to drive to the hotel since Deans not fully capable right now. He hasn't really said much at all since everything happened and I don't really understand anything right now. Nothing makes sense anymore.

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