[19] Just Keep Swimming

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Paige's POV

I slammed the hotel door behind me, sliding down it onto the cold tiled floor. I closed my eyes tightly trying not to release any of the tears that were ready to flow but they seeped out. The pound of my heart beat inside of my chest felt like it could be heard from miles away.

Thankfully AJ has been given the week off because of that nasty stomach bug. I do not want her to see me like this. She can't know how weak I am, nobody can.

I shouldn't even have feelings so strong for this deranged lunatic. I hardly even know him and what I do know of him is nothing even worth liking. He's taking over my world and I have no control over it.

The sight of his face when he knocked on my car window earlier has been glued to my mind all night. He almost looked broken, like it hurt him as much as it hurt me. But there's no explanation for what I saw. I saw him and Summer Rae kissing. I know she only did that to get to me and it fucking worked. But the thing is, he was letting her kiss him.

Then just a few minutes ago when I went to go tell that noisy asshole down the hall to shut the fuck up because I've been trying to sleep for the past half hour. I had no idea it was going to be him. I thought the voice sounded familiar as he screamed out a jumble fuck of words that I still can't even make out. As soon as that door swung open, his aggression completely disappeared. He looked as shocked as I was. He still had that same glint of pain in his eyes that he had earlier. He told me he would ruin my life, and sure as hell he is.

A good nights sleep helped me focus more on the future and less on the past. What had happened, happened and it's out of my control. Of course it still burns but there's nothing I can do but just move forward. Like my favorite childhood movie would say, just keep swimming.

My phone buzzed against the sink loudly causing me to jab my eye with my mascara. Ouch. I slid open my phone to see an email from Stephanie McMahon that reads,

'Hey Paige, I've got some exciting news for you! Hunter and I believe that you are a rising star in this company so we want to give you an opportunity to face the number one contender for the divas championship, Summer Rae, tonight on Smackdown. Win or lose, this match will help bring you to the top! Good luck!'

Mixed emotions flooded through me but at this point it's mostly anger. I'm going to decimate Summer Rae and teach her that I'm not the person to fuck around with. A glimmer of excitement burst through my veins as well. I love giving a well deserved ass kicking.

I changed into my gear well before the show began just to avoid a messy encounter with Summer in the locker room. I know she's here and I also know Dean's here. I've managed to keep my mind off of him most of today but I don't know how I'll react if I see him. I mostly just want to scream in his face and slap him a hundred times but I can't do that in my work place, it's unprofessional. But hell I almost had sex with that asshole backstage so I think anything is acceptable now.

Its kind of lonely having to hang out by myself at a show. That lonely feeling sent a shiver down my spine, reminding me of the Wyatt family. They're here somewhere and they're still out to get me.

I spent the night in the crowded catering area chatting it up with Eva Marie and Natalya who also have a strong disliking for Summer Rae. I've never had much contact with any of the other divas besides inside of the ring but I guess some of them aren't so bad after all.

I stood behind the curtain waiting for my music to hit. My body has an array of feelings flowing through it right now. I'm looking forward to kicking Summers ass and proving to the world that I'm one of the best athletes in this business, they haven't seen anything yet. I'm also a little freaked out because The Wyatt family has to be here since they're scheduled for 3 on 3 action against The Usos and Dean. Hopefully I can make it out of here before that match.

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