[28] My little princess

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Paige may be the only person willing to approach me after a match. Most people just step out of my path when I walk backstage. If I were them I'd get the hell outta' my way too. But Paige, she comes hobling towards me with a big smile. Usually I want to decimate anybody to step in my way but her, I have no desire at all to bring her any pain.

I tightened my arms around her and nuzzled my face into her hair. "He won't be bothering you anymore." I assured her. I felt her smile into my chest and that brought a smile to my face. Finally I feel sane.

Shortly after leaving the arena Paige had totally passed out in the passenger seat. She really got her ass handed to her tonight, even though she won, I've never seen her put so much into a match. Now I just gotta' take good care of my little princess.

Unfortunately my procrastination led to ordering flight tickets half an hour ago. I'm paying a ridiculous amount for a two hour flight that doesn't board til' 2:45 am. Wonderful right? But Paige had to trash the ticket she ordered since the boarding time was during the show. At least I'll have her with me.

I pulled into a local CVS while Paige was snoring away in the car. I have to do something nice for her tonight, something romantic. I'm really not a romantic guy at all but I have to give her something to show her that I'm happy I have her back. Then the perfect idea popped into my head...

I rushed into the hotel placing the items I just bought into the bathroom where she won't see them, hopefully. I ran back out to the car to find her still totally knocked out. She's adorable. I carefully scooped her up in my arms, afraid I might hurt her. She's so delicate and precious. "Mm." She groaned as we made it through the hotel lobby. "Shh. I'm just bringing you into the hotel room." I whispered. A smile spread across her face when she heard my voice. If that's not the sweetest thing for a half awake person to do then I don't know what is.

I'm just so god damn happy that we worked everything out. Well, we didn't really work anything out it just got better. But I'm okay with that too. Paige is everything I need and there's nobody else that could fill her place. We haven't known eachother that long but it feels like we've been in eachothers life for years. I don't know what she's doing to me but oddly I like it.

I placed her on the couch and headed into the bathroom to set up her little surprise. I filled the bathtub with hot water and bubble bath. Then I carefully spread some candles around, lighting them. I ripped up the roses I had bought and placed the pedals all over the place and alligning the bath tub. Not too shabby for a non-romantic guy I must say.

"What are you doin'?" Paige's voice echoe'd through the locked door. I froze for a second before quickly glancing through the dimly lit bathroom. Everything is set up. I stepped towards the door but hesitated before stepping back and taking a glance at myself in the mirror. My hairs a mess and I look so fucking tired but, this isn't about me. I stepped back towards the door and opened it slowly.

Paige gave me a weird stare before her eyes drifted behind me and took in the setting. "What's this?" She asked, fighting a smile. A sudden rush of nervousness overfilled me catching me off guard. I don't get nervous. "It's uh, it, it's for you." I gushed, stepping out of the way.

Her face filled with a huge smile that sent a warm fuzzy feeling into my heart. She reached her arms and wrapped them around my neck, letting out a wince of pain but still tightening her grip. I hate seeing her in so much pain but this is the price we have to pay for being pro wrestlers.

Her lips pressed against mine and for a second my mind went blank, for the first time in forever my mind stopped racing. It felt so nice. Nobody else has had this affect on me.

"You really did all this for me?" She asked as she glanced around my body. After that kiss I could hardly bring myself to speak, so I just nodded. Her face lit up as she took a few steps past me and took in the set up. "This is exactly what I need." She breathed.

I stayed facing the doorway as I heard her slip out of her clothes. Usually when a girls clothes would come come off my eyes are locked on that. But it's different with Paige. I don't just want what her body has to offer, I want everything inside of it as well. I want all of her.

Once I heard her settle into the bathtub I turned around. She stared at me with a big smile. I may have went a little overboard with all the bubbles that are nearly up to her neck but she doesn't seem to mind. "Thank you." She spoke. Those two words feel so good to hear. I've never pleased anybody in my life to the point where they thank me and it just feels so damn good to hear it.

I poured Paige a glass of wine and cracked open a beer for myself before settling down on the bathroom floor next to her. "I didn't think you were the romantic type." She smirked.

I felt my cheeks get hot, I'm not the romantic type at all. I don't even know where all of this is coming from. I hate romantic shit to be honest. But for some reason I'm okay with it right now. I shrugged, "I don't know what you're doing to me."

I've never done anything nice for another person and surprisingly it feels really good. I spent a lot of time with a lot of different girls just for the hell of it and the only thing they ever got was a spare beer or two if they were lucky. I made some shitty decisions in my life but they all led me here, where I'm happiest.

"I still can't believe you forgot to book a flight." Paige teased as she threw on one of my old shirts. "I'm not the one who bought a ticket for a flight during their match." I returned the tease quickly shutting her up. "But seriously we gotta get going." I glanced at the clock which read 12:23 am. Good thing Paige had all her stuff together but me on the other hand, all my stuff is thrown throughout the room. I should really learn something about orangization.

"Alright, you all set?" I asked as I leaned against the door scanning my eyes throughout the room. This is the worst part of staying in hotels, worrying about what you might leave behind. Paige let out a groan of pain as she picked something up off of the ground. "You're probably not getting anywhere without this." She laughed as she waved my wallet in the air.

Off to Cincinatti, Ohio we go. You'd think I would have a little bit of excitement in me since we are going to be in my home town. But I don't have the best memories there and to be honest it's really the last place I ever want to go.

(Authors note) - For some reason I had a hard time really interpretting this into Dean's POV. I couldn't really get into his character, so I apologize if it's not really in his personality. I'm writing a few parts ahead of this and I have been able to get back into his character so don't worry, not all parts in his perspective will be as dull as this one. Thank you for reading. <3

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