[52] Best For Business

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"Dean's match, Seth will be on commentary. I'm going to interrupt the match and explain myself and Seth will attack Dean." I whispered to Roman who I had snuck around to find. He replied with a subtle nod.

"What don't you understand?! Tell that freak that I'm done with him, he's nothing to me!" I screamed before shoving Roman back a few steps and storming off in the other direction.

All eyes were glued on me as I stormed into the locker room. I gotta' keep this whole thing convincing just in case there's any Authority eyes on me.

All eyes stayed locked on me as I made my way through the locker room. It doesn't take long for gossip to get around. Just being 'part of The Authority' makes me above all of these other divas and that's certainly an ego booster. But for the rest of them it's a pretty big insult.

"So you're divas champion and now you're a corporate bitch too, huh?" The annoyingly familiar voice of Summer Rae spoke from behind me. 

A huge grin grew on my face. As much as I'd usually want to slap the hell out of her right now, I'm actually kind of flattered. She's buying this whole act, so everybody backstage must be. 

"Yeah, Summer, I am. Now if I were you I'd start kissing the ground I walk on, sweetheart." I smirked, mimicking the words she had told me during my first few days in this business.

"Looks like you've taken one out of my book... Alright, well fine, if you wanna' be a little more like me then I guess I can't complain. Just don't get too comfortable with that gold because it'll be mine soon." She hissed before strolling out of the locker room.

Dean's match has just began and he's totally getting his ass kicked by Kane. It hurts to watch, and I hope my emotions arent seeping through the smug smile I've got glued to my face. Hopefully him and Roman thought up a plan because I've gotta' go ruin this match for him in a few minutes.

Just as Dean got the upperhand after recieving a long and brutal beating I realized that in two seconds I've gotta' go out there and think up some awesome promo. I had this whole speech in mind but it's totally just disappeared out of my brain. Randy nudged my shoulder bringing me back to reality, just in time to see Dean land his finisher, dirty deeds.

My music hit and I stepped out onto the ramp. Immediately Dean paused and got to his feet, leaning over the top rope staring in my direction with the most heartbreaking look on his face. 

"Aw, Dean. What's the matter? You've heard the news haven't you? I left your pathetic little group to be with the best of the best, The Authority. I can't believe I ever wasted my time with you. Everybody was right about you, you're a freakin' lunatic. You're just a lost cause." I growled into the microphone. 

Dean's expression almost dropped. He's either a really amazing actor or he just took all that to heart, I really hope it's the first option. 

Seconds later he was being attacked from behind by Seth and a steel chair. That pained me to watch as the bell rang for a disqualification. Dean lied motionless against the mat while Seth ravaged his body with the mangled remnants of the chair. But only a few seconds later Roman Reigns' theme was echoing through the arena and he was jogging down the ramp to save his brother.

As soon as Roman got his hands on Seth, Kane came back to life and caught him by surprise chokeslamming him into the mat. This cannot be going as Dean and Roman had planned. I watched from the top of the ramp as both Dean and Roman got their asses handed to them. I found myself stepping closer and closer to the ring wanting to save the two but I can't ruin this plan over one mishap. 

It's almost like my instinct of what's best for business took over. I found myself crawling into the ring and glaring down at Dean and Roman's motionless bodies. I glanced up at Kane and Seth who watched me warily, 'Nice job.' I mouthed to the both of them before crouching over Dean's body.

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