[60] Plan B

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"Paige?" Seth Rollins' voice broke into my thoughts, scaring me a bit since I was completely spaced out.

I glanced up at him breaking my stare from the tiled floor. This room has 82 tiles, I counted, six times.

"You alright?" He asked, taking an uninvited seat next to me.

"Fantastic." I lied, quite obviously.

His hand gently rested on my knee giving it a reassuring squeeze. It took me a second to process it before tugging my leg away from his grip. My eyes met his as he looked on with confusion and placed his gloved hand back into his lap.

Without any warning I got up and walked away from him heading into the locker room which seems to be the only place I can ever get a break from The Authority. But unfortunately it's laced with divas competing tonight and one of them is AJ Lee.

Her eyes locked on me as I walked through the locker room and into the furthest part where it was pretty empty. I could feel her glare burning through my back. God, I wish I wasn't forced to ruin our friendship. If I can't ever fix things between us I don't know how I'll stay sane.

"Paige." Spoke the voice of a diva, I could recognize the voice but couldn't put a face on it.

I glanced over my shoulder to see one of the most powerful divas, Kaitlyn, sending me a smirk. "What the hell do you want?" I growled.

She seemed a little taken back by my rudeness. "Just thought I'd let you know we're on the same page tonight. I'm on your side, Paige. I don't care whether you like me or not but later tonight you will be thanking me."

I squinted my eyes at her. "What the hell are you talking about?" I got to my feet, not even measuring up to her muscular figure.

"You'll see, and you'll thank me." She smiled before heading off in the other direction.


My eyes stayed glued to the screen that had been rather boring tonight. Randy and Kane already had their match versus The Usos and came out victorious after cheating multiple times. That doesn't surprise me. Next up is a divas match with Adalia versus AJ Lee, that should be something to watch. Then the night will finish off with Seth versus Dolph Ziggler in a no DQ match.

My stomach felt sick as I watched Adalia try to shake hands with AJ. The two of them are former rivals, but I know AJ isn't stupid enough to shake her hand. Adalia always has a trick up her sleeve. But AJ just glanced at her hand and then sent her a crazy glare before stepping backwards.

Their match dragged on with the both of them equally taking charge. But an elbow to AJ's face knocked her down quickly as Adalia took charge, swinging her around like a rag doll. I can't stand seeing AJ so defenseless. She has nobody, she has nothing. I was her everything and now that's gone.

Adalia pinned AJ for the victory, but her celebration was cut short when a large body charged into her from behind. It took my eyes a second to focus on the quick blur. It's Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn kicked Adalia's body countless times before backing off and allowing her to struggle back to her feet before she nearly broke her in half with a spear. Lemme' tell ya' something, Kaitlyn's spear certainly beats Adalia's by a landslide.

Kaitlyn stood over Adalia's body taking in the carnage she had just left before smiling to herself and heading backstage.

Is that what she was talking about? I'll be thanking her? Did Stephanie put her up to this?

Either way, I don't care. I'm thankful that Adalia got what she rightfully deserved, and since I can't be the bearer of bad news I'd rather it be Kaitlyn than any other diva. I've always liked Kaitlyn, she's one of the toughest divas on the roster.

As much as I'd like to thank Kaitlyn for doing what she did, I won't. I can't have other people fighting my battles for me. This is my problem to solve and I want to do it my own way, not somebody elses.


"How was that for some old fashioned revenge?" Stephanie's voice cooe'd as she turned around the corner.

"It was nice, thank you. But I really don't need somebody else fighting my battles for me. I could have done that on my own." I blurted without much thought, immediately regretting the words that had just slipped out of my mouth.

"Well sweetheart, that wasn't the answer I was expecting. A simple thank you would have cut it. If you're going to be with us you need a plan B. Kaitlyn is your plan B. She's your bodyguard, whether you like it or not. You won't have to worry about any more backstage attacks. You're welcome." She spoke before once against heading out of the office.

Bodyguard? Are you kidding me? I don't need a fuckin' bodyguard!

But what can I do about it? Nothing. I'm stuck playing along with this ridiculous plan that I hate so much and now I have to have somebody do all my dirty work while I sit back and watch. This is not how my career is supposed to, I'm the divas champion dammit!

But with the target well formed on my back I guess it's an idea that is best for business. I may hate it but it's logical, it's going to save me a lot of pain. At least I won't have to worry about being attacked from behind anymore, I hope.


Short and boring chapter, I'm sorry. I've been so distracted lately that I haven't been able to write much for this story. Hopefully I'll spring back and have a bunch of ideas but right now I'm kind of stuck. :/

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