[26] Tonight is the night

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It's Takeover time! Tonight is the night. I'm so ready to kick ass and prove to the world what I'm capable of, just in case they missed what I did to Summer Rae.

There's been talk in the backstage area that Summer's got a concussion but she's scheduled to make a return sometime this week. Adalia Black better thank me because there's no way Summer will be 100% for her match against Adalia for the Divas Championship next Sunday at Payback. With everything going on in the past week I actually completely forgot that Payback is even taking place next weekend. Unfortunately I'm not on the card but it's still early, I'm still new to the business. I'm here and I'm at NXT Takeover and that's pretty fucking amazing.

AJ and I got ourselves together in the locker room while the first match of the night takes place. Sami Zayn vs Adrian Neville for the NXT Championship. I'm kind of bummed that I'm in the locker room prettying myself up rather than out there watching the match. These two guys are phenomonal. The both of them seriously deserve a spot on the main roster, they're pure talent. But my match is next and I'm barely even ready so there's no way I'll have any time to watch their match.

The victorious, title retaining, Adrian Neville limped through the curtain as I waited for my turn to make an entrance. I congratulated him on his victory with a hug. As I prepared myself for my entrance I caught a glimpse of the familiar SWAT gear of Dean Ambrose. His eyes are locked on mine as he's leaned against the wall across the hallway. My song had hit but I couldn't quite bring myself to break his stare. "Paige!" AJ tugged pulling me towards the curtain and bringing me back to reality.

I brushed everything off of my mind and bolted through the curtain soaking up all of the electricity and excitement of the crowd. I got a lot of boo's from the crowd which hurts a little because three months ago they were all on my side and rooting for me. But I guess now they're jumping on the Sasha bandwagon, but oh well. They're still making some noise for me and that's all that matters.

Sasha made her entrance and stood across the ring from me sending me a brutal death stare. Charlotte's in her corner demanding orders at Sasha as if she's her manager or something. The bell rang and Sasha didn't waste any time charging at me but luckily I had expected it and side stepped her sending her soaring into the corner bashing her left shoulder agains the ring post. This is going to be easy. She leaned in the corner clutching her shoulder. I backed into her and sent my elbows right into her face a few times.

Gotta' focus on the shoulder. I pulled her up and sent my knee into her shoulder a couple of times before the referee pulled my away from her. The crowd boo'ed loudly at me for gaining the upper hand so I raised my arms up and sent them a big smile.

My gloating resulted in a surprise roll up from Sasha but I managed to kick out at the two count. Before I could get to my feet she connected a brutal boot across my chest multiple times. "This is my house now!" She shouted in my face before landing a boot across my chest once more and knocking me to my back. But she made the mistake of angering me. This is still my house and nobody is taking that away from me.

I pulled myself into the corner and back to my feet. Sasha charged at me with a high running knee which she connected to my jaw. She backed off and went to hit another one but I was able to dodge it causing her leg to get caught up in the rope. This gave me enough time to recover.

She leaned in the corner also regaining herself which pretty much set her up for disaster. I landed a couple of kicks to her gut before backing her back into the corner and viciously mauling her face with my elbows once more. I pulled her into the middle of the ring and covered her once again but she just barely kicked out of the three count.

Our fight continued on with the both of us struggling to take control. I have to admit I underestimated Sasha even though I've had plenty of matches with her in the past. She's improved a lot in the time that I haven't been here. If she can improve that much in such a small amount of time then she's certainly going to be a threat of mine again in the future.

She connected one of her finishing moves, double knee backbreaker, sending an unbelievable amount of pain down my spine. She covered me but I was able to kick out at 2. Quickly she pulled my body up and hit me again with the backbreaker. Shocks of burning pain shot through my body.

She covered me for the pin again and just like that everything went in slow motion. My body feels like it's frozen in time. I can feel a hot liquid oozing out of my nose and down my chin. I watched the referee's hand hit the mat twice but just before he could get the three count I used everything in me to kick out. Sasha found that unbelievable and argued with the referee for a couple of seconds allowing me to regroup and roll out of the ring.

"Come on Paige, you have to beat her." AJ leaned down. I nodded my head warily. I know I have to beat her and I'm going to but I just don't know how much more of this I can take. "Your nose is bleeding..." AJ noticed as I got to my knees. I shook my head. It's nothing. The referee shouted the 8 count and I managed to claw my way into the ring.

Sasha lunged at me ready to destroy me. She hit me with a nasty clothesline and I hit the mat hard. She covered me once again but I kicked out at two. "Just give up!" She screamed in my face out of frustration. I don't give up.

She pulled me to my feet preparing to hit me again with another backbreaker but out of nowhere I was able to hit her with the Paige turner. But I went down with her and I don't know if I have it in me to get back up. The adrenaline began buzzing through my veins and the pain slowly subsided allowing me to drag myself onto Sasha for the cover. But she kicked out just barely after the two count. I can't believe it. I thought I had her.

I sat up in disbelief running my hand through my tangled hair. The referee stared at me with a worried stare. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded my head. I'm perfectly fine. I wiped the sticky blood away from my mouth and got to my knees scoping out the ring. What else is there for me to hit her with? I've given her everything.

I twisted her limp body into my hold setting her up for the scorpion crossbody lock. I pulled her into the hold tightly putting everything I have left into it. She screamed in agony. She's gotta tap out. Suddenly AJ came flying through the ring resulting in a loud thud behind me. It took everything in me to keep my mind focused on Sasha. I have to win.

I felt her hand slap against my arm and seconds later the referee was signalling for the bell. It happened so fast that I didn't let her go until a few seconds after the referee had begun pulling me away from her. I couldn't even get to my feet by myself. I've never had a match that intense in my life. AJ helped me to my feet and I raised my hand for the victory. Half of the crowd began to cheer for me but some of them were still boo'ing. I can't believe I actually beat her.

Before I made it out of the ring I stopped and turned my attention back to Sasha who has hardly made it off of the mat yet. Charlotte's right next to her trying to get her up. I motioned to AJ to continue backstage since this is going to be a moment that I only need to share with Sasha. She gave me one helluva' fight and that's enough for her to have my respect. I limped towards her and she stared up at me in fear, Charlotte slid out of the ring.

I grabbed her arm pulling her up to her feet roughly and grasped her hand in mine, shaking it. "You deserve that title, and I don't think there's anybody that can take it from you" I admitted with a smile. Sure, I just beat her but that title isn't in my sights anymore. I truly believe there's nobody else in this company that can take it from her.

I can see the pain in her eyes but she still managed to force out a smile. "You could of let me win in front of my crowd." She joked. I pulled her into a hug but she rejected it. "You're not hugging me with blood all over your face." She spoke in a disgusted tone. I couldn't help but laugh, wiping the blood away from my nose with my wrist. Before I left the ring I turned to her and pointed at Charlotte, "Watchout for that one. She has no problem taking you out for that belt." I spoke before sliding out of the ring.

As I made it backstage the pain began to engulf my body as the adrenaline worn down, reminding me of every hard hit I took out there. I almost made it to the locker room but the pain is just too much for me. I leaned against the cold, concrete wall taking a moment to regain myself.

"Hey you." A familiar, confidence oozing voice spoke from beside me. A tingle of chills erupted through my spine. I know exactly who that voice belongs to and he's the last person I wanted to see today, or ever.

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