[51] Initiation - Survive the hug

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Walking into the arena on my own is a little bittersweet. It reminds me a lot of my debut, I was excited and nervous, much like I am now. But I'm prepared for whatever is going to be thrown at me tonight. It's a temporary new beginning.

This morning I had to tell AJ we can't talk anymore and I couldn't even give her any reason. I hated seeing the heartbroken look on her face but it had to be done. I just hope she forgives me when this is all done.

Almost as if it were on cue, I stopped short of ramming into Randy Orton who had a permanant angry scowl glued to his face. His eyes glanced at me quickly but immediately turned back to his path that he continued strolling down.

"Randy, hey, uh, can we talk?" I asked, trying to sound as devastated as my actually rather happy mind would let me.

Randy stopped and scoped out the area before letting out an annoyed groan, "Whattaya' want? Come on Paige we can't be friends. Not while you're with them," He glanced away from me looking around once again, probably for Roman and Dean. "Where are they?" He asked, surprised.

I let out a sigh and dropped my head, glancing at his shiny boots. "I don't wanna' talk about them right now b-but I can't lose you. You're the only thing I have left..." I glanced up at him, putting on the best pouty face I could get. "You were right, it was brainless. I was stupid." I sighed.

"Whoa, whoa. Okay, I think I see what happened. I'm not going anywhere... That just made this all so much easier for our friendship, Paige. It'll sting for a while but you'll realize soon you made the right decision. You're so much better off on your own." He placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I know. It's not gonna' fix things between the war of The Shield and The Authority but I think I have a plan that could put you guys ahead of them... You wanna piss em' off? Wanna' be one step ahead? Let me join you guys. I know Dean from the inside out, I can help you destroy him. I don't know much about Roman but I can figure him out quickly. You know how devastated they'll be to see how quickly I got over them?" I flashed a sly grin.

"You wanna' join The Authority? You wanna' pass in your boots for a pair of heels? That surprises me a lot, Paige. But I know you'll fit in with us well. Steph has a soft spot for you, she'll take you under her wing, I know it." Randy's face lit up with a huge smile he couldn't seem to get rid of.

This is going so well, almost too well. I can't believe he bought it.

"Let me get this straight, Paige. You and Dean were just not getting along? I'm sorry, that was my fault. I never bothered to check in on you two. I just thought you worked out so well, it looked like it out on that stage. But don't worry about the details, I've had plenty of nasty falling outs. I understand... Alright, so you want to be one of us? Done. You're lucky I've always liked you Paige, you'll do us wonders." Stephanie smiled as she pulled me into a tight hug, this must be the initiation into The Authority, survive one of Steph's incredibly suffocating hugs.

Just as I thought everything was going better than planned the door to The Authority's office swung open and in stomped a raging Seth Rollins. I flashed him the fakest smile my body could create but he took a quick glimpse around the room before figuring it out.

"No, no, no! What is SHE doing in here?" He growled. Just his voice is enough to spark my anger and make me snap but instead of getting angry, I faked an awful great disappointment look. I dropped my glance to the ground and folded my hands together.

"Jackass, she's with us now too. God, can you not be a dick for like one minute?!" Randy snapped, pulling me towards his body in one quick movement. His grasp shocked me and I fought myself not to pull away from him, I belong in Dean's arms not his. But it's all part of the plan.

"You cannot be serious?! Stephanie, come on. You saw the stunt she pulled last night. You're just gonna' forget about it like it was nothing... She hit me!" He crossed his arms and threw a fit like a little child.

"Relax, you'll thank me for this later. This is very good. I need to go talk to Hunter about this, but for now can you just be a little more welcoming?" Stephanie asked, her temper quickly rising. Seconds later she had left the room.

Seth sucked in a deep breath, "Okay, fine. But what in the blue hell brought you here?" He asked, obviously trying to hide his displeasure that I've just become the new sweetheart of The Authority, taking his place.

I've never been the best liar around so let's hope they buy it. Maybe if I press some tears into this, it'll be more than convincing.

I pulled myself out of Randy's hold. "You wanna' know so bad? Fine. You were right Seth Rollins. You were fucking right, you were all right!" I shouted angrily, glancing back and forth between him and Randy. "He's a freakin' lunatic. I thought I could handle it, but no, I couldn't. He embaressed me and made me feel so weak and worthless." I sniffled a few times and wiped underneath my eyes, taking a few seconds to regroup. "I want my revenge on that asshole."

There was a weird silence, nobody knew what to say next. I could tell they bought it though. They both had a shocked, speechless looked plastered on their faces. Seconds later Randy's hand was squeezing my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Paige. It'll be okay. You'll realize that this decision is going to be the best thing to ever happen you." He smiled.

But Seth broke his stare from the floor and his eyes met mine, "Sorry." He mumbled unsympathetically. Oh come on, are you serious? I told the guy he was right, I boosted his massive ego for this and all he can do is fake a sorry.

"Bullshit. You're not sorry. Listen to me, you better get on my good side and stay there because Steph likes me a helluva lot better than she likes you. I can replace you in a matter of seconds and if I have to, I will. I know Randy wouldn't have a problem with it... and Kane... I'm sure he wouldn't mind. So brighten the fuck up, sunshine." I hissed, allowing my built up anger to explode.

After it all came out of my mouth I had a quick sensation of regret, but then I realized, it's not all gonna' be peachy. We're not all gonna' get along. Seth and I have had our problems so if we have a little heat between us, it'll stay believable.

He glared at me but raised his arms up in a mock surrender before heading out of the office, slamming the door hard behind him.

Randy's chuckle brought me out of my angry state, "Ha, wow. You, you're a keeper. That was awesome! That dude has only been with us two days and I already can't stand his ass." He laughed, staring down at me with so much satisfaction.

"So what's tonights plan, am I gonna' get to get my hands dirty or is it too soon?" I asked, looking into the eyes of WWE's CEO, Triple H. It shocked me how excited he was to have me join his little pack. I thought he'd be a lot more iffy about it but he's psyched.

"Tonight we will make our first move. It won't be big, we're saving the good stuff for next week.... I've decided to change up tonights script since you're now on our side. You good on the mic?" He asked, I responded with a nod. "Tonight during Dean's match against Kane, just as Dean looks like he could steal a win, you walk out there and you'll tell him that you're with us now and you can take it from there." Triple H smiled wide.

But once again, grumpy pants couldn't let me have my happy moment. "What the hell? I'm supposed to be the one ruining Ambrose's match tonight. You've got to be kidding me!" Seth hissed.

"Well there's been a change of plans, Seth. Here, since it is a little unfair for me to take away your appearance tonight, you'll be on commentary during that match. With Dean distracted you can attack him. Happy now?" Triple H spoke, a little bit of irritation in his voice. I can't be the only one who dislikes Seth...

"Fine, fine. I'll go with that." He shot me a glare before leaving the office.

You know, I could get used to this. Stealing Seth's spotlight every opportunity I get, without seeming like I'm even trying. I can tell I'll quickly be a favorite within this group. But when this plan is over and I go back to my real crew, The Shield, and there will be hell to pay.

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