[38] Blood bath

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Dean and I arrived at the arena for tonight's event and the fans are already piling around outside. I'm set for a non-title match against Adalia Black. Dean's got a match against CM Punk, a no DQ match... I'm not sure if these fans are in for a treat or for a blood bath.

"Am I allowed to be ringside for this match?" I sassed as we checked through security. Dean chuckled, "I can't stop you." He raised his arms in surrender. I rolled my eyes, why couldn't he have been this calm before? "Do you want me out there?" I asked as I passed my ID to the guy, security is a bitch sometimes.

"Of course I do. I just don't want you to get hurt, you know?" He said as security checked his bags. I remained quiet, nodding to myself. "You know if I really wanted to kill somebody back here all I would need are these bad boys." Dean balled up his fists and showed them to the guard, laughing to himself. Idiot.

I pulled into my gear as a few other divas arrived for the show. Immediately I began to feel uncomfortable, hoping maybe they forgot about my incident with Layla but I'm sure it's still burning in their minds like it is mine.

"Paige?" The familiar accented voice asked hesitantly. My heart raced against my chest and my hands became unstable. I glanced up from my boots to see Layla with the right side of her face swollen all to hell and a black eye to top it all off. It made me almost sick knowing I did that.

I couldn't bring myself to speak. "I uh, I stepped way over my boundaries with you the other day so I know I very well deserve this," She forced a smile and pointed to her wounded face. All I could do was shake my head but no words would come out.

"I just want you to know I'm sorry for all that, I never meant for that to affect you so much. I guess I'm just kinda jealous. You're the new girl on the block and you're already in a pay per view for the divas championship. You're exactly what this division has needed." She spoke so sincerely, she really means it. She's the sorry one after I sent her into the ER for no good reason...

"Shut up! Shut up! Stop it!" I shouted, scaring her and myself as well. The other divas stared at us. "You don't need to be sorry about anything," I began as I regained some of my sanity, "Don't be sorry for me attacking you over something so dumb. I fucked up. I don't know what happened or how but I snapped and I couldn't stop. I'm - well you're lucky somebody stopped me because I wouldn't have stopped..."

I felt a lump form in my throat. None of this is me. I never used to lose my temper like that or get all emotional over something dumb. I used to be fearless and intimidating, never unstable and scared. "Layla I'm so sorry and I know that's never going to be enough and it'll never make what I did okay but I want you to know I really wish I could go back and stop it all from happening." I choked out.

Layla smiled before wrapping her arms around me and hugging tightly. My body froze in shock. "I accept your apology, I had it coming. Don't worry about it." She whispered before pulling away. She forced out one last smile before before heading out of the locker room.

I stood there in shock for a few minutes allowing my mind to take in what had just happened. It's hard to process, it was sort of an unreal experience. She didn't seem upset or anything she actually believed that she's the one who did the wrong doing... But instead of ragging on myself anymore I should just forgive and forget like Randy said to do. It's over and done with.

"So are you goinna' try to send all the divas on the roster to the hospital? Who's next? I bet it's her," Summer Rae pointed her finger towards Aksana who glared at me from the corner. "What happens when she accidentally bumps into you, are you gonna' smother her with your duffel bag?" She laughed.

Unfortunately some of these girls aren't going to ever let you forget the things you've done. It took every bit of sanity inside of me to keep my fists balled up at my sides and not bashing them into Summer's head like I really, really want to. I can't lose control again.

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