13 Reasons Why.

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These are the thirteen reasons why,
Most suicidal people die.

You trust us to be left alone,
You trust us all on our own.

The close doors you never question,
Until our death becomes the lesson.

When we live on our own,
Or even when nobody's home.

We retreat and abide our doings,
While life keeps you in bad timings.

"That's bad for you but much good for me,
Cause now I succeed the last time I leave."

Words we say or words we keep,
The secret inside you didn't seek.

"I know for sure that I was good,
At keeping all of them from you."

"For sure, I was smart.
Whether you knew or not."

"Mistook all of my innocence,
For unkempt and poor intelligence. "

And if you caught on to every sign,
It's too bad for you, you weren't on time.

"You caught on too late,
Now this is my fate."

"I'm sorry that I was so unpredictable,
And chose the fit time, I knew was impossible."

"The method I used was either too fast,
Or just in time for you to crash."

"You tried so hard to remove all those obstacles,
The door, the chair, my own lifeless body."

"The blade, the gun, the chance to say sorry."

And if you weren't home or wherever we are,
You'd figure it out but the distance was far.

This made it too late,
This made it our fate.

The methods we use,
The obstacles we choose.

And the saddest part is,
The twist in the story.
The difference in time
And situational irony.

We knew or we didn't,
"I knew what you couldn't. "

"I lied when I shouldn't, I didn't know what you were thinking.
You didn't know what I was doing.
I thought and you thought, we all thought on different occasions.
We all were the reasons why, the very reason we had to die."

I used all of my qualities,
To the best of my abilities.

I chose the time and place,
But you held my heart into place.

I stared and I stared into space,
Or straight into my mirror and face.

I chose the 'how' and the date,
And made sure you'd arrive there quite late.

You're either too late or don't try,
We're either lucky or on time.

These are the thirteen reasons why,
Still today, suicidal people die.

(November 30, 2017)

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