One Last Letter

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You walk into the room to find your daughter laying on her bend in a pool of her own blood because that's the most cliché way to end a life.

You'll find a letter where she explains how she hadn't meant to be cliché about the situation but that there was a point to it and there was no other way.

Because this is the only way people listen.

And it's the only way they understand.

When things have been done before but still the reason is never the same.

It's you, it's me, it's everything else or its nothing at all. You see we all can't have the same reason because, well, we're all pretty different.

And most of us are just different.

Cause there's a cruel reality of how some people are just not pretty enough.

So in her letter she explains that this is not the only letter and how it's actually not even the last letter because she's been planning this for sometime.

And in fact it's not even the first letter because she felt so dumb one day for not giving you a proper letter where she actually explains herself and doesn't end up confusing you with unfinished metaphors and weird similes, so she decided to write you this letter.

It's actually Letter Number 78, and she doesn't even know why it's titled last letter until she's actually thinking about it.

And she came up with the conclusion of an idea that it would be about how you'll find every letter until you've actually come across the final note. The one where she actually cleaned herself off of the face of the earth.
The emotional one where she actually took her own life and maybe possible shed a few tears, or I don't know - depending on her state of mind at the time.

I mean, she could have left angry
                                                      or hurt
or upset.

Who knows, really?

I suppose only the last letter can explain that.

Only the last letter can explain the way she felt.

So read until the last letter.

This letter is just something that explains how you should go through this process of healing, because let's face it, after the death of a loved one or rather the suicide

          The only way to actually heal is to know why they did it.

And you know what, funny tip, the moment your daughter was writing this letter, the moment she had the S word down you started a conversation with somebody in the house about somebody else who has done the act already.

Strange how life can be sometimes, oh well, I found it funny.

Or at least a little amusing.

Like it's trying to hint at something.

And you never know until that something actually happens.

Oh well, back to the point of her letter.

1. This letter will explain that you need to understand that there are other letters in which they need to be read in their specific order. From the first one to the last one.

Or well, maybe not the first since you'll never know what the first one says. I'm pretty sure she explains this later on in one of the letters so you don't necessarily have to understand what I mean right about now.

2. Read them all, read this one before you read the other one.

3. You'll get a clue after every letter in every letter on where to find it.

4. Eventually she'll stop giving the clues at the end of the letter and give it in the actual letter, and sometimes she'll change her mind and switch between the two because she's too lazy to search for a way to hint at a clue.

5. Maybe I'll be generous and let you know that the first letter that you find, you'll find in a shoe box.

Now you'll search all the shoe boxes, when the point of this letter is to either pay attention or find out who she really was. Because that's all she every really wanted.

So why don't you try guessing which shoe box she'd put it in.

So she needed to be cliché.

And maybe this letter didn't actually fill you in on why her cliché death was necessary, but another will.

And that's a fact because she's written plenty, and I'm not quite sure if she's done yet.

Or maybe I'm pretty sure she isn't done yet.

See, cause this was her plan.

She planned this day, just like she's planned her whole life out for you.

Or rather her afterlife.

And hint, hint, I didn't say how.

(March 30, 2018)

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