Just Like Jesus.

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Remember how he took the cross and all the words they said.
Remember how he died for us neither of us was spared.
With nails to his hands and wrists and wherever else.
His life was not his own but his life has lived it's wealth.
Just like Jesus, do remember that I am much the same.
I carried sins of other people and wore them on my back.
I'm crowned with all the bleeding pain and selfish words.
The thoughts and actions and wrong doings.
Like him I take it back.
I carry that cross.
That heavy living cross and use the nails I'm given.
The nails I won't give back.
I can't give them back once you've already given them.
I'm just like our saviour,
We are not that far apart.
With very little difference,
The distance couldn't part.
I now die for your sins just like he did.
I now pray for your innocence just like he did.
I worship for forgiveness but not of that my own.
I got to church you and sort you thy throne.

Remember how he hung from that cross.
Remember why.
Remember how I lay on holy ground.
In my room.
On the floor.
On a bed of soft and beauty, pink and red.
My flower bed
Remember how he died.
And please remember why.
Because I died for the same reasons,
The second I closed my eyes.

Remember how he took the cross and all the words they said.
Remember how he died for us neither of us are spared.
With nails to his hands and wrists and wherever else.

Just like Jesus I choose to die that way.
My own precious ceremony, with me myself and I,
and don't forget my monsters, your words inside my head.
Cause when I'm alone, they're chanting all the things you've said.

The way it happened many years ago.

Remember how he took the cross and all the words they said.
Remember I died like Jesus had and not just in my bed.

(April 09, 2018)

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