Hey Again!

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Here's the part where I had you fooled.

You came across these haven't you.

1. Hey

2. Hey again.

3. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a nuisance. I know it's all I was ever good at. I mean, it drove me to kill myself.

4. So you've been expecting a suicide letter, and you haven't found any, you're annoyed by now.

5. I'm giving you clues that lead you to bullshit! Well - not actually.
I'm leading you somewhere I just need you to not get fed up with me for once in your life, it's the least you could do.

6. Hey, I want to share with you a story. I've written a book on a little website app called Wattpad, and I want you to do me a favour.

- post it.
- read it.
- pass it on.

That's all I ask.

And when I say pass it on, I don't mean to anyone in specific, you all were really oblivious fucks anyway. So there's no point in putting the blame on one person or even certain people.

This isn't a Th1rteen R3asons why copy cat remake, this is my story and this is every reason why.

And I don't believe in putting the blame on people even though I do get fed up and blame you a little sometimes. Pointing fingers is not really my style.

So when I ask you to pass it on, I want you to share my story with people. My book. My thoughts. Maybe it will help people to understand what mental illnesses truly are. Maybe psychologists can use my book to study from.

Maybe writers can use it for ideas.

Maybe people can try and make a movie out of my life and completely fuck up the way my life actually went by putting in their own little masterpieces and ideas to turn it into a story worth being told just so that I can prove a point on how the world seriously screws people's brains.

This is why I had done it.

I killed myself because of myself.

I never felt good enough.

I was never happy.

I was constantly sad or depressed or smiled when jokes were funny or not funny at all.

I had a wish to see people in pain or bleeding some days.

I was messed up and if people ever had to tell my story they would change the script because they believed I wasn't good enough either.

I've always said, if you're an author and you want to bring your book to life, you'll have to film it yourself.

So share it. Share me.

Let's play a little game and see who actually cared, do you?

Short Sloopers  (Sad-Bloopers)Where stories live. Discover now