A Light.

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A light. A light that shines bright, that is the only way we can describe her.
But to describe a light as powerfully blinding as that and watch it as it goes out the way had is probably the worse feeling we as human beings could ever feel.

To shine eye piercingly bright, and without any warning that light explodes.

Something that seemed so sudden to us, but has been happening for a while now.

And that's what she was facing.

A depression that nobody knew was happening, until that light suddenly stopped glowing.

Stopped glowing as bright as it did, as bright as it could. Stopped shining.

She was a fire light and by what I can see, she's shined in every one of your eyes.

She lit up your world.

And now you cry.

Now you mourn.

And we don't understand.

We will wonder was there something we could have done, something we could have said.

But we don't.

We can't.

She's gone.

So we're lost, we're confused.

We're left in the dark and now suddenly the room begins to feel cold.

The light was her spirit, her life, her soul and her heart.

And the moment all of that went out,

Just like the room,
                 ...her body had become cold.

And that's the only way we can describe how someone so brilliant,
      Someone who clearly meant so much to people,
Has chosen to leave us in her grace.

All the troubles she went through,
and we may never understand,
         She's left behind.

But she was sorry.

In the letter she left behind, she had said that she was sorry.

She made sure we knew we didn't blame her.

So why does it still feel so bad?

      So dark?

              ...so cold?

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