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Sunaina jumped in excitement and hugged Shivani . " Shivani guess what ? I get to spend our midterm break with you afterall"

Her eyes were shining and she was smiling looking ecstatic.

Shivani smiled back . For the past two and a half years these two had become more than friends . Shivani was closer to Sunaina even more than her real sister.

Both the friends were opposite in nature . Sunaina belonged to an affluent family from Delhi . She was tall around five feet six inches ,had a nice curvaceous body , long hair and beautiful blue green eyes . Her fair complexion had earned her quite a few admirers but she was focused on her studies so she never even realised that she was popular among the boys.

Shivani on the other hand belonged to a higher middle class but conservative family from Jaipur. She was the first girl from her family who had come outside of Jaipur to study . Initially her parents had been reluctant to send her to Jodhpur but when she cleared the entrance exams and got a scholarship they could not refuse .

Moreover her elder cousin brother Arjun studied in the same college so he was able to convince her parents that he would look after her . Shivani was a traditional beauty with her long hair big black eyes . Even if she was not as tall as Sunaina she was slimmer than her .

Sunaina was the talkative one while Shivani was more of a listener.

Because of Arjun no one dared to approach Shivani . Even if she was considered quite beautiful among the boys she was out of bounds being Arjun, s sister.

" May I know how the sudden change of plans ?"

"Shivani you remember I told you about My dads old friend from London . Uncle Rajesh Thakur .Well his daughter is getting married to some industrialist from Rajasthan and the wedding is scheduled during our midterm break in Jaipur . I have convinced mom and dad that I will accompany you to Jaipur and then joon them during the wedding . Mom will bring my clothes and I can go with you . Oh isn't this cool? Me and you together the entire one week"

Shivani laughed ," Not only you and me Arjun bhaiya also "

" Ya Arjun also "

" You know Sunaina I think Arjun bhaiya likes you "

" No it's not like that . He hangs around with us because we are always together "

" No Su he likes you . I have seen him staring you so many times ,

Sunaina blushed . She knew Arjun had feelings for her . She liked him but was not sure of her feelings for him.

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