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Sunaina again cried to sleep but after talking to Shivani she knew she was not going to give up on her marriage .

She loved Vikram and eventually she would make him trust her .

Tomorrow her in laws were arriving so now maybe things would turn positive .

Vikram had nothing to do in his study but he was sitting there doing nothing and thinking damn it why couldn't his wife love him . What was wrong with his love ?Wasnt it enough for her ?

He loved her so much that he was ready to forgive her past but whenever things started to improve someone of her past would intervene .

He loved her and he would convince her to love him back But first he would have to reduce her link with her past friends so that she no longer had any contact with her former lover Arjun .

He went back to his bedroom and found Sunaina curled up in bed fast asleep . When he covered her with a blanket he saw that her eyelashes were wet. He knew he had hurt her so she must have cried to sleep. But then he had become very possessive of her and she shouldn't speak to Shivani because Shivani was Arjun's sister .

The next morning when Sunaina was making coffee her in laws entered .

" Oh Su beta I missed you so much ."her mother in law hugged her enthusiastically.

"Su beta your mom doesn't like my company any more . She missed you guys so much that we had to cut short our cruise and come back . Actually you people are young while I am a poor old man so why would she want to stay with me ?'her father in law chuckled . He then hugged her .

"Let me make you my special coffee and then we can sit together "

" Where is Vikram ?"

" Here momma ," he came downstairs in his night pyjamas. He looked so sexy in the silk pyjamas and uncombed hair Sunaina thought..He kiised his mom and hugged his dad.

"I missed you both",

" I know that son . I also know what happened in the Office . Why didn't you inform me ?,his father remarked.

"I was able to handle the situation and I had Su with me . I didn't want to disturb you or you would have come back straight away . I didn't want to spoil your vacation ."

" But your mom forced me to come back stating she could no longer endure my company," he laughed.

The next hour was a pleasant one with her in laws telling anecdotes from their trip . Sunaina was enjoying herself immensely when her mobile rang . Vikram picked her phone and went to another room .Pranay was on the line ," Su meet me at the cafe near our office in half an hour . Before the meeting I will treat you to your favourite coffee and then we will discuss the marketing strategy."

Vikram was green with envy ,"Mr who so ever . My wife works in your office but I am fully capable of treating her to a lavish 5 star hotel dinner rather than a measly cup of coffee . So kindly keep your hands to yourself and secondly my parents have arrived so Sunaina can't come today ."

Sunaina heard the last sentence . " How dare you speak speak to my boss like that ? He was there to help me when you literally threw me out . And also you have no right to make decisions on my behalf. We have an important meeting and I am leaving in half an hour "

" Mom and dad I have to leave for an important meeting but will come home after that . I have ordered the cook for a light lunch and will be back before tea time ,Sorry but I have to go ?"

" No problem beta . We are going to our room to take rest"

Sunaina left for her meeting in half an hour . Then Vikram was called by his mom to her room . Vikram knew his mom was very perceptive so she must have realised that something was wrong between them ." Vikram beta Su has joined Thakur Industries?"she asked him.

" No mom she works elsewhere "

" But why ? Isn't she capable or don't we need her ?"

" Its a long story mom . "

" I have all the time in the world for my kids "

" Not today mom . But I promise soon "

" Ok beta just remember I am there for you to talk whenever you are ready "

" Yes mom . See you at dinner tonight "

She was worried . She would speak to Sunaina today and try to find s solution to her childrens problems . 

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