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As soon as the entered the party Sunaina started searching for Arjun who was nowhere's to be found .

Akshay asked her , " What will you drink Sunaina wine or whiskey?"

" No sir I don't drink "

" What not even a glass of wine ?"

" Orange juice will be fine sir "

He fetched her an orange juice while got whiskey on the rocks for himself .

He was constantly staring at her and Sunaina was feeling uneasy but she couldn't create a scene here . She was passing time nibbling on the snacks . Just then Arjun entered the party . On seeing her he moved directly to their table wishing Akshay and hugging her . She literally forced him to sit with them.

She asked about Shivani and suddenly Shivani called . Sunaina got busy speaking with Shivani. Akshay was getting furious . After around twenty minutes he excused himself and went to the bar for some more drinks .

Dancing started di Arjun and Sunaina moved to the dance floor .The song was a slow romantic number so they had to dance close to each other .

Sunaina had always enjoyed dancing but tonight she was missing her husband . She closed her eyes and imagined Vukram holding her in his hands and dancing with him .

" Su am I wrong or are you imagining dancing with Vikram?"

Sunaina laughed with him ," Arjun you know me so well . Yes I am missing my husband terribly . You are very good company but I miss him . Actually in the past few months we have become very close emotionally and I love him so much that even a day without him is difficult ."

" Well you can ho back to him tomorrow "

" Arjun when are you leaving ?"

" Tomorrow morning Su . But I will muss my friend "

" I will miss my friend as well . You will always remain my best friend . Next time when you come to London stay at our place "

" Ok definitely . Now you enjoy . I will take dinner and dleep early "

" I will take dinner with you "

But Akshay intervened ," One dance with me Sunaina "

"Ok sir "

She danced with Akshay but was very uncomfortable . He was heavily drunk . Again it was a slow number so they danced close but once or twice she felt Akshay touching her inappropriately . When she retaliated he apologised that it was a mistake .

As soon as the song finished they had their dinner . Akshay asked her if she needed coffee .

She agreed so he brought her a coffee and then they moved out of the party together . Moving out of the lift Akshay being drunk fell . She helped him stand up then took the room key from his hand and opened his door for him .

He was in no position to even stand properly so she took him to his sofa and sat him there .

" I am sorry Sunaina . Can you fetch me a glass of water from that table and then you may leave "

Sunaina moved to the side table near the bed where water was kept . She filled his glass and turned to move but she hit something .

It was Akshay blocking her way .

She was slightly scared . " Akshay here take the water and now I am leaving "

However he had other intentions . " Su you can stay here if you want "

" No thanks I am leaving "

However he held her arm stopping her from leaving . She removed his hand and started to move but he pulled her .

He tore her shrug apart revealing her back . She pushed him but he was too strong for her .

He pushed her on the bed . She tried to run but he used his legs to stop her . He then tried to kiss her .

When she turned her face he kissed her back .

" Oh Sunaina you are so beautiful . He traced his fingers at her back and she felt like Killing him "

" Don't you touch me you bastard . I will kill you "

" I am already dead darling . The first day I saw you I had gone to heaven and tonight I plan to take you to heaven . I will kiss your lips ,your back and every part of your body and then make you mine "

" Akshay I belong to someone else . I am married "

" I know that darling but I don't care . I want you and I will have you at any cost "

His filthy hands then moved under the slit to touch her underskirt .

  Sunaina was scared . This was a new crazy side of Akshay and she had to do something fast otherwise he would rape her .  

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