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Vikram had not only extended their vacation but also changed their destination . They were to fly to Naples and then board a ferry to Capri Island .

He had booked a beautiful beachfront resort for the next three days . They were staying in a one bedroom pool villa on the beach . Their villa was exquisite . They had a small plunge pool at the back and a private garden in the front which lead directly to the beach .The beach was clean with pure white sand . They checked in the hotel and a car was waiting for them .During the day they visited the resort town of Sorrento

They visited the town did a little shopping at the shops and had lunch at a small Italian Cafe and went back to Capri .

At night they ordered room service and then spent the night exploring each others bodies.

On the second day they went to the village.The fishing village was small but charming It was surrounded with cliffs terraced with scented lemon groves which sheered down into the sparkling seas; . It had beautiful whitewashed villas which clung precariously to unforgiving slopes while sea and sky seemed to merge in the blue horizon.

Sunaina looked at the beautiful villas in awe . Vikram decided that for their first anniversary he would gift her a villa in this village.

Again tonight they ordered dinner in their room . No sooner had they finished dinner Sunaina excused herself to take a shower .

Vikram was sitting in their private garden . It was a beautiful full moon night . It was calm and peaceful there .They just had two more nights in this paradise and then they would head home .This vacation had brought him so close to his wife . He had still not cleared his misunderstanding but he was scared to loose this newfound love between the two . She had been a virgin the first time but she was a passionate woman and always responded to him . Their chemistry was explosive. He got turned on simply by looking at his sensuous wife . But he seemed to have a similar effect on her .

He was still lost in his thoughts when Sunaina came and sat next to him .

Sunaina had changed into a dark blue sheer short nightdress . It looked perfect on her curvaceous body but it was meant to tempt him . It was fully net and lace barely covering her breasts. She was wearing a matching sheer panty which left little to imagination .

"Vikram I have made hot chocolate milk for you and a coffee for me ," saying this she placed her hand on his thigh . He took the glass from her hand and started drinking it when her hand started moving up and down in a rhythmic movement . Vikram eyes darkened with lust .

"Isn't the milk to your liking darling ?" She asked him seductively.

"Its perfect Su just like you ," saying this he laid her on the daybed in the garden. He captured her lips in a slow teasing kiss but Sunaina opened her mouth allowing his tongue to enter .Her tongue entwined with his causing him to groan . His hands wandered all over her body touching her and kissing her . He then nibbled her earlobes and kissed her neck . His lips moved lower kissing her net covered breasts . After that he moved lower to kiss her sheer panties .

Sunaina was fully clothed but if Vikram didn't remove her clothes she herself would tear them apart .

She pulled Vikram and kissed him ferociously . She then used her tongue to gently unbutton his shirt .she traced his chest with her fingers causing him to sigh in pleasure. Then she licked his chest causing him to groan .

"Now its my turn Su . You are a temptress and there is a limit to my control " saying this he pounced on her breasts . He removed her nightdress, " Sunaina' you are so pretty . I am so lucky to have you " He held her breasts in his hands .He fondled them , kissed them and sucked them . He then kissed her stomach and licked her inner thighs. After that he removed her panties and licked her .

"Vikram remove your clothes "

"Darling you do the honours "

Sunaina removed his trousers and briefs and touched his fully aroused form . She placed it in her mouth and sucked it .

Vikram now inserted his finger inside her rubbing her bud back and forth .

"Vikram I can't take any more . Please I want you inside me " Sunaina begged him .

He kissed her again on her lips and thrust deep inside her . He repeatedly thrust in her and she matched his rhythm leading to both reaching their climax together .

"Su that was wonderful " . She smiled at him . He could see her eyes shining with love .

After another wonderful round of lovemaking they fell asleep

The next day was the last day of their vacation. So he had planned nothing for that day .

They spent the entire day relaxing and enjoying the fabulous scenery and stunning panorama of the bay at one of the most beautiful coastlines in Europe.

Tonight Vikram was taking her to a famous nightclub so she dressed accordingly in a dark green short dress with four inch stilettos. When Vikram saw her dressed like this he whistled loudly , Sunaina I can cancel this dinner and we can have it in bed , he suggested.

"Oh no dear husband. I am ready and I plan on dancing the night away . "

"Ok "

"Vikram I promise I will make it up to you "

Sunaina hinted at Vikram.

"Oh but I need something to sustain the evening " he kissed her on her lips .

The pub was near the beach . Its decor was modern and electrifying . The dance floor was actually on the beach and there was a bar near it .

They had been dancing for an hour . Sunaina sat at a stool near the bar while Vikram was still dancing .

Someone tapped her shoulder from behind . She turned around and her face paled on seeing the gentleman standing there .

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