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After their lovely session of lovemaking Sunaina went to take a shower . When she came out Vikram was not in the bedroom. She loved to the adjoining sitting area where Vikram was arranging two plates and cutlery .

The table had an assortment of sandwiches and pastries which he must have ordered ,Suddenly Sunaina realised thst she was starving .

His wife looked adorable in this hotel bathrobe .She had tied it loosely so the the valley between her breasts was clearly visible . At this moment he wanted nothing more than to untie it and loose himself in her beautiful breasts .But he knew she needed to eat because they had barely picked at their dinner . Also they needed to talk because he had been wrong in his assumptions of her .

Sunaina and Vikram helped themselves to the sandwiches and then pastries . Vikram offered her juice while he poured a scotch for himself.

" Sunaina I want to talk to you regarding last night "

" But I am in no mood to talk "

Saying this she went and sat on his lap . He smelt of soap and her lips touched his lips and her hands entered his wet silky hair . She deepened the kiss and her tongue entered his mouth causing him to groan .

He was topless and she pulled him towards her rubbing her breasts against his naked chest . The action was So sensuous thatVikram growled in arousal ,

" Darling it was your first time and I don't want to make you sore "

"But I am aching for your touch Vikram . Please make love to me or should I ask that Italian gentleman to take me to heaven?" She teased.

" No one can touch you . You are mine and your delectable body belongs only to me . You understand that ?"

There was a fierceness in his eyes and Sunaina loved this new possessive side of Vikram .

"So you are missing that Italian gentleman haan . I need to remedy that . After all you are my wife and your needs need to be fulfilled "

He carried her to the bedroom and made slow passionate love to her . He threw her robe and kissed and licked every inch of her body .She was so turned on but he was excruciatingly slow . He kissed her most intimate part and then his tongue played havoc with it .

She cried his name twice when she had two orgasm one after the other .

She wanted to touch him but he was too strong for her

He was holding both her hands so she couldn't touch him .

Infact he himself was so aroused on seeing her come twice that a simple touch from her and he was gone .

After giving her a taste of heaven he plunged inside her gently at first but when she arched her body to encourage him deeper he came inside her .

They had been so caught up in their desires that they hadnot taken any precautions.

After half an hour when they were relaxing in bed ,"So darling how would you rate me as a lover ?"

Sunaina spoke with a twinkle in her eye ,"Good but I believe there is scope for improvement . I think with more practice you will improve "

" You witch . I can go for another round but you need to rest "

He kissed her and went to work on his laptop . When he returned after half an hour she was fast asleep with a smile on her face .

Their talk was still left .

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