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After Arjun left Sunaina tried calling him but he didn't pick the phone .

She called Shivani " Su how could you do this to Arjun bhaiya . He loves you so much and you ditched him for Vikram ? Is it because Vikram is very rich ?"

"No shi its not that . I will come to your wedding and explain everything. "

" Su Isn't there any chance of you and Arjun bhaiya getting together?"

" No Shivani I cannot go against the wishes of my father. But I tried he just wouldn't listen "

" Su you don't come at my wedding . Arjun bhaiya will be hurt on seeing you with Vikram . Please don't come " saying this she kept the phone down.

Sunaina had lost her best friend forever . But it was all her fault Arjun was such a caring person and she had hurt him badly. She had to meet him so she would go for the wedding even if for an hour .

Shivani was deeply hurt . She had treated Sunaina as a sister and what had Su done ? Su had badly hurt Arjun bhaiya . Arjun was her favourite cousin always standing up for her always looking after her and now he was in need so she would support her brother not her friend.

Ever since he had come back he had closed his room and not eaten anything . When her parents had asked she had just said that he was tired so he was taking rest.

She called up Her fiancee and relayed the whole story to him . Since he was nearby and a good friend of Arjun he came to meet him .

When Arjun opened the door his hair was disheveled and eyes were swollen red .He was in a very bad shape.Shivani couldn't control her tears . Never had she seen Arjun so heartbroken .

She blamed herself as well . Somehow she felt that she had seen this coming . She had seen the signs but had ignored them . Not once had Sunaina said she loved Arjun and it was only due to Arjun's persistent pursuit that Sunaina had said yes but the sad part was that Shivani was sure that Sunaina didn't love Vikram so why was she marrying him . At least she had been Arjun's girlfriend but with Vikram even that was not the case.

However the only loser in this situation was her brother Arjun . Arjun she knew madly loved her friend so this was a major blow for him .

Again Sunaina called , Su don't call me again . Arjun bhaiya is totally destroyed because of you . He is not eating anything . He is inconsolable all because you had to break his heart to marry your rich friend. Su its over don't you ever call me again ", saying this she started crying and banged the phone down.

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