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It was Ajay her ex boss . He was looking at her with so much lust that it sickened her.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Its a free world darling. I can be anywhere?"He spoke while tracing her back with his fingers . It disgusted her that he still had the audacity to touch her .

She trembled in terror.

"You bastard keep your bloody hands off me "

He misunderstood her reaction thinking she was shivering in pleasure ," But you seem to be enjoying my touch darling"

Somehow he felt that he was such a desirable man that no woman could resist him and his touch was erotic for all .

There was a crazy look in his eyes which scared her . It was as if he had made up his mind over something . It was the same look she had seen the night he had tried to rape her.

He moved towards her like a predator ready to pounce on his prey.

She was searching for Vikram but suddenly he seemed to be nowhere . A moment ago he had been dancing and now he was nowhere to be seen .

She pleaded to God to get this monster off her back. She was trembling but he seemed unperturbed by her reaction.

One moment he was standing next to her .and the next moment His his lips descended over her mouth . She shifted back but the bar counter did not leave much room for her to move . Now she panicked.

She tried to push him back but he was just too strong for her . She tried to scream but she seemed to have lost her voice as well.

Oh God it was as if destiny was repeating itself . Before his lips could touch hers she fainted but before she could fall on the ground Vikram caught her in his hands .

Vikram had been dancing with a lady who was over drunk . When he realised that she was unable to manage on her own he being the perfect gentleman had ordered a cab for her , seated the lady in the cab paid the driver to take her home .

When he had left Sunaina was sitting at a stool near the bar but when he had come back he had seen her st the edge of the bar . His view of her had been blocked by a man standing in front of her . At first he had thought that he must be an acquaintance but when the person had bent to kiss her and he had seen Sunaina pushing him he rushed towards his wife . But Sunaina must have been shocked because she just fainted.

"Akshay its you ? What the hell are you doing near my wife?"

"Calm down Vikram . Don't you know she was an intern at our office . I just came by to say Hi to her "

"Akshay Don't test my patience . Firstly You don't kiss someone to say Hi and secondly my wife was pushing you away . How dare you toch her with your filthy hands "

"Vikram you are too naive . We were together in Switzerland . I have done more than touch her . We were together fir so many days Infact I assure you Sunaina is a very passionate woman and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her "

Akshay had crossed all limits . Vikram punched him on his face and then hit him on his chest . Akshay fought back but he was no match for Vikram's anger ," You son of bitch . You are lying my wife is loyal to me . She wouldn't let a bastard like you near her "

Akshay was badly injured but he still wanted to humiliate Vikram so he spike again ," Vikram you are a fool . It was not me only but your wife had another exlover there Arjun "

Vikram again punched his mouth , " You scum . Arjun is an old friend. I know him as well . You get out of here before I kill you "

By this time Sunaina was gaining consciousness so Ajay left .

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