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It was their fourth day in Zurich and today Arjun had to give a presentation of their company so he had a quick breakfast and moved to the conference room ,

Sunaina had breakfast with her boss and Akshay. Akshay seemed to be staring at her and she couldn't enjoy her breakfast so she simply took a buttered toast and a glass of juice . She started to leave the table but Akshay stopped her by placing his hand above hers. A chill passed through her body and she immediately removed her hand from the table.

" Sunaina are we such bad company that you can't even bear sitting with us ?"

" No sir it's that today it's Arjun's presentation so I wanted to wish him luck for the same ."

" First of all as I mentioned before Don't call me sir and secondly Arjun must be a dear friend because you are leaving your bosses to meet him ."

" He is very dear sir . As I told you we studied in the same college. ", saying this she left for the conference room .

" Hi Arjun wish you luck for your presentation today "

" Thanks Su . Your wishes matter the most "

Arjun gave his presentation . He was an excellent orator and his voice mesmerised everyone . When he finished initially for two seconds there was silence and then it was followed by a thunderous applause .

"Arjun you were excellent . I can understand why you have become Vice President "' Sunaina wished him and then gave him a friendly hug.

He was beaming with joy at all the praises he was getting but Sunaina's appreciation was the best .

The rest of the day passed in other presentations and meetings.

Then exactly at 5 PM Sunaina and Arjun escaped to the hotel lobby . From there a cab was to take them for a Zurich by Night tour .

The tour was in an open bus which covered the major sights of Zurich and was of two hours duration dtarting at 6 PM .

Vikram had recommended this tour to Sunaina and she had booked two tickets.

Arjun knew that now Sunaina was married and he also knew she was happy in her married life but his heart still belonged to her so he felt greedy and wanted to spend as much time as possible with her .

Sunaina enjoyed spending time with Arjun though she missed her husband . She called Vikram and told him she had taken the tour as suggested by him.

Vikram could make out from her cheerful voice that she was happy . He was happy for her .

After the tour they had dinner at the roadside cafe and came back to the hotel.

The next day was Friday the last working day of the conference. It was today that Oberoi Industries had their presentation . Mr Akshay Oberoi himself was the speaker . He was good af his work and his presentation was appreciated by one and all . Although Sunaina didn't like him personally but she had to congratulate him .

" Sir congratulations your presentation was perfect "

"Sunaina don't I get a hug as Arjun ?" saying this he forcibly hugged her .

Inwardly Sunaina was fuming but she couldn't create a scene so she simply left the venue quietly after sometime .

In the evening as usual she went out with Arjun , had her dinner and came back .

Unknowing to both of them someone was monitoring their trips and even taking pictures of the two together.

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