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That night Sunaina could not sleep well . The entire night Arjun s words rang in her ears and his face appeared before her eyes.

In the morning she woke up late . Her parents were to arrive today .

She woke up and freshened herself . When she came out of the bathroom she found Arjun sitting on the chair with a breakfast tray in front of him.

" Arjun you haven't taken breakfast?"

" No Su this is for you "

" You needn't have troubled yourself I would have come downstairs for breakfast "

" No Su you're foot is injured. At least allow me to take care of you "

Sunaina sat down to have breakfast . He had brought aloi paranthas curd and fresh orange juice "

She had just finished her breakfast when Shivani arrived wuth another tray .

" Shi I have already had breakfast . Arjun brought me a tray"

" I know that but this is not for you . It is for Arjun bhaiya "

" What Arjun you didn't eat breakfast ? Why ?"

" I was hoping to eat with you "

Sunaina felt selfish not asking Arjun if he had eaten.

She took the tray from Shivani hand and offered it to Arjun " Arjun I am feeling guilty I should have asked you . Now finish your breakfast and then we will have juice together "

Shivani left the room . Arjun was very happy today . He was feeling that slowly Sunaina was warming towards him . She cared for him. She also considered him her friend. These were the first steps towards love .

However today her parents would come and she might leave.

Just then his worst fears were confirmed . Her parents had arrived.

He helped her go downstairs .

Her parents asked her to accompany them but she refused saying that Arjun could drop her at the venue of the various functions .

Her mom handed her the clothes and left .

Tonight was a small get together at Mr Thakurs residence for which her parents invited both Shivani and Arjun.

When Sunaina opened her bag she found her mom had not brought her lehnga for the mehndi.

Tonight she wore a dark orange palazzo silk suit which was sleeveless and suited her fair complexion. She wore matching orange bangles and a small gold locket to go with it .

She was looking so beautiful that Arjun wanted to kiss her senseless but he had to keep his feelings in check lest he did something foolish .

Arjun looked very handsome in black trousers and a white shirt . Shivani was looking very beautiful wearing a silk dark green suit .

When they reached the Thakur residence Shivani was stunned to see its opulence.

" Su are the Thakurs rich?"

" I guess so because uncles house in our city is also huge . Actually mom and aunty are childhood friends and dad and uncle are also very close . So their money had never been discussed in our house."

Arjun was not very comfortable here . He had the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

He was not very far from the truth .

As soon as they entered the house some one lifted Sunaina and she shrieked , Vikram you scoundrel put me down "

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