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Sunaina dressed casually in a jeans and top with flip flops for her first dinner date . She applied s light pink lipstick and was ready by eight .

Arjun called her right on time . He was waiting at the blocks gate since he was officially not allowed inside her building.

He was both nervous and excited . After two and a half years this day had come . He didn't want to act too anxious lest he spoil his first date.

She had dressed in a jeans and top but was still the most beautiful girl in the campus.

He handed a small red rose bouquet to her . She thanked him and then he took her hand in his .

He took her to Chinese restaurant Yo Zing in their campus . He had booked a corner table . He had ordered her favourite dishes

During dinner he told her ." You have made me very happy Sunaina. Thanks for accepting my proposal"

" Arjun I really like you and I don't find anything wrong in being your girlfriend but I am still not sure if my feelings match yours"

" I am a patient man and I am ready to wait . You accepting to be my girlfriend is sufficient for the time being"saying this he kissed her hand .

Sunaina blushed again.

They then quietly ate their dinner . After dinner they walked around for another hour and then he dropped her to her block.

Sunaina had really enjoyed her date but it was nice and not exciting. Sunaina was an avid fan of mills and boon . In those books her date had to be exciting and she should have felt a bolt of electricity when Arjun kissed her hand but nothing like that happened.

Well maybe it happened gradually and when time passed she would start feeling in that manner . Afterall this was her first date .

Shivani was not in the room so she changed and went to sleep.

Arjun had loved every minute of the time spent with Sunaina. She was not only beautiful but also honest. She had cleared that she still needed time and he would wait till the day she finally said she loved him.

At least they were progressing even if it was slow. He slept on a happy note.

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