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Her first kitchen was a success .

The next day her parents were leaving for India . Even though she was upset with her parents but she was crying at the airport . Afterall they were her parents and now she could not meet them as frequently as she used to .

Before leaving her mom had again tried to convince her to start her married life with Vikram but Sunaina was adamant at the as friends relationship.

Kiran hoped that Vikram,s love would convince her stubborn daughter to love him back .

After her parents left her mom in law and her father in law told her that they were her parents now and she could come to them for anything. Infact they asked her if she was keen on completing her internship in their company or somewhere else .

Unknown to anyone Sunaina had applied in a few London firms and she had an interview and test the next week .

She informed her in laws who were happy with whatever she decided .

When Vikram came to know this he did feel hurt because he had hoped that they would work together and he woukd have the perfect excuse to woo her . However he respected her decision .He decided to ask her which companies she had applied after dinner .

Even though it had been a week they had been married but still at night when she entered their bedroom she hesitated .

Vikram had behaved as a perfect gentleman till now but for how long ? She knew that Vikram had very strong feelings for her plus he was a hotblooded male till how long would he be able to control his emotions?

All these thoughts just confused her . Why couldn't life have been simple ? Either she should have got married to Arjun or she should have been Vikrams girlfriend and Arjun shouldn't have been in the picture?

When she entered the room Vikram had already changed . He was wearing his velvet robe over black silk pajamas . His robe was open from the neck giving her a glimpse of his lean chiseled chest .Vikram saw her looking towards him but when her eyes clashed with his she blushed.He was very handsome there was no denying the fact . She found him attractive but her guilt was preventing her from moving ahead in marriage .

She rushed to the bathroom to change . She was still wearing those ugly looking cotton nightdress which did nothing to her figure .

Vikram had seen her observing her closely these days but it was too early to take the next step . However resisting her was also a mammoth task especially during night time when his hands ached to touch her beautiful breasts and when she untied her long silky hair he wanted to bury himself in it .

In the morning after her bath when sometimes she came out in her bathrobe he felt like tearing it open to reveal her beauty.

Plenty of times he covered his head with the blanket to avoid looking at her . He remembered tracing the water droplets from her wet hair to her full lips, then to her slender neck and then to the valley between her breasts . He had been so turned on by her that moment that it had taken time to control himself from ravishing her .

This wait was literally killing him and he knew that there was a long way a head.

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