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Akshay finally had her where he wanted her in his bed . She was kicking him so he tied her legs with the bedsheet .He had sedated her coffee and now it seems that the effects had started . She was slowly loosing her consciousness.

He decided to wait till she became unconscious because then she wouldnt be able to resist him .

Just then there was a knock at his door . Since it was a suite room so he closed the bedroom door . It was Sunaina's boss . " Yes Mr Garg why are you disturbing me at this time of the night ?"

" Actually sir Sunaina is not in her room. Do you have an idea where she is ?"

"How the hell will I know ? Maybe she is with her lover Arjun . Don't worry she will come back . You go to sleep "

Sunaina was still awake so she tried to make some noise because this might be her last chance to save herself.

Mr Garg left .

Akshay returned to his bedroom but didn't go near her . He went to the bar and poured himself another whiskey .After consuming two pegs he exclaimed "Toast to our night together Sunaina darling "

" Akshay leave me . If my husband comes to know of this he will kill you . He is a very influential person "

" Oh I am scared", he laughed . " Darling I know you are Vikram Thakurs wife and he maybe very powerful but I am not scared of him "

" How do you know I am married ?"

" I have my sources . Why do you think you got selected for the conference ? Because I wanted you and I would have had you if that ex boyfriend of yours hady arrived on the scene ."

" He came closer . He kissed her neck and she spit on him . He got angry and slapped her three times and caught her hair in his hand pulling her face towards his . Her eyes were full of hatred for him but if didn't affect him at all . His lips moved from her neck to the valley between her breasts but then he again stopped .

" Not yet darling . First I will remove your clothes one by one because it is my fantasy to see you naked and then touch your breasts and by the way in another ten fifteen minutes you will not be able to retaliate because your coffee was drugged . It is a medical drug which will allow you to see but render you helpless since you won't be able to move . So I will rape you and you will see what is happening to you but wouldn't be able to stop me . Then gradually you will loose consciousness "

  Sunaina had tears in her eyes . She prayed to God that a miracle would happen and she would be saved from this monster .  

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