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Sunaina was so embarassed that she spent extra time taking a shower.She wore a completely covered dress slacks with a long top and came downstairs .

Vikram had also changed into a casual jeans and t shirt . Even in these casual clothes he was so good looking and Sunaina was attracted towards him . He was her husband and there was nothing wrong in her attraction but the last month had proved that their marriage was in a precarious condition and they needed to work on it . Ever since she had come back Vikram had not discussed their problems and he was behaving as if everything was normal but they needed to talk .

However Sunaina was enjoying being with Vikram and was too much of a coward to discuss their situation and change the good mood.

" Hi darling you took so long that your coffee got cold . Do you want another or should I pour a glass of wine ?"

" I will take a glass of white wine "

"Mom and dad are arriving tomorrow Sunaina. They don't even have an inkling of what happened between us and I want it to remain that way . I am ready to give us another chance but only if you will put in the same effort.It doesn't mean that I have forgotten what happened but for the sake of my parents I am ready to put it behind us "

"But Vikram there was never anything between me and Arjun . Why can't you trust me on that ?"

"Sunaina don't push me . Just tell me if you want this marriage to work ? My parents love you as their daughter and I don't want them to suffer so please make up your mind and fast "

" Vikram I love aunty and uncle as my parents . I wouldn't even dream of hurting them . But you have to trust me because marriages are based on trust "

Dinner is served sir .

Dinner was a quiet affair with both of them focusing on the food rather than speaking with each other .

After dinner Vikram went to the study to work while Sunaina went to her bedroom to rest . She was still very upset because Vikram refused to trust her .

Suddenly she was feeling very lonely.She felt like crying.

Just then Shivani called ,"Hi dear Su so hows life ?

Sunaina just blurted the entire situation to Shivani . She knew that Shivani would always suggest the best possible solution.

After listening to Su Shivani advised her to stay there with Vikram and work on her marriage . Sooner or later Vikram would realise his mistake. Sunaina had to win his trust and his love because their marriage had started on a wrong note .

She also encouraged Sunaina that Sunaina loved Vikram so she should fight for her love .

Su spoke with her for an hour and her mood improved .

"Who were you speaking to doll !"

"No one in particular "

"Sunaina I asked who was on the phone ?" Vikram was jealous. Maybe she was speaking to Arjun,

"Vikram , it was Shivani "

"Since when did you become friends ? Oh let me guess . In Switzerland where you met your lover ?"

" Arjun is just a friend "

"Friend my foot ", he banged the door and left the room .

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