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Vikram dropped her home and went back to his office on the pretext of finishing of some work .

Sunaina went directly to her room . How could she have behaved so wantonly? On one hand she was asking for some time to adjust and on the other hand she was kissing him in a public place ?

She was attracted to him and there was nothing wrong in it because he was her husband but it was wrong to say something and then do the opposite .

She rested for an hour and then went downstairs to help with Dinner.

Vikram had gone office just to control his feelings . He loved her and making love to her was just an extension of his feelings but he wanted her to take the first step .

He could easily seduce her but he wanted her body and soul.He wanted Sunaina to love him as he loved her .He knew it was a long road ahead but he waa prepared to wait . It only became harder when he touched her because then his emotions got the better of him .

He reached home for dinner and then went to sleep early . Sunaina herself was reluctant ti enter her bedroom but was relieved to find Vikram already asleep in the room.

The next morning she got ready for her office but again Vikram was waiting for her in the car .

" Good morning doll . Its your first day at work so I will drop you today . Then the driver will come to pick you up . By the way Sunaina do you drive ?"

" Yes I can drive though it will take me sometime to know the way around London"

He dropped her to her office gave her a slight peck on her cheek wished her good luck and left .

Office was good . Her boss was actually a farher figure who treated her as a daughter. Since she waa an intern she leff office by 4 PM .

Nobody in her office knew she was married and she always wore full sleeves so thst her wedding Chuda did not show . It was not that she was embarrassed but she didn't want to reveal her husband's identity bevause the Thskurs were very famous and she wanted anonymity.

But everyday Vikram dropped her . However his kisses were becoming bolder . Today he had kissed her ten minutes before reaching her office and the kiss had been magnificent . It had been of full intensity from the beginning to the end . He had kissed her upper lip and then her lower lip . Now her mouth was accustomed to his so he needn't force it open . The moment his lips touched hers her mouth opened on its own. His tongue would then make love to her .

 Today when he had stopped the kiss her hands were in his hair and his hands on her but .

Infact she was getting used to his kissed and the moment she sst in the car she would reminisce last days kiss .

He found her blushing so many times asked the reason but she would simply say ," Nothing much "

He knew knew that his kisses were slowly melting her but they were paying havoc with his self control. It was getting difficult because he was turned on the moment he touched her .

It had been two months that she had been going to office when one day he asked her to leave Office slightly early . He wanted to take her somewhere.

He picked her up at 3 PM and took her to a luxury car showroom. He had already booked a Jaguar for her .

She loved the car but was hesitant to drive it .

He asked his driver to take his car home and took his wife for a drive in her new car .

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