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Dinner was a pleasant affair with Vikram and Sunaina teasing each other .

Today Vikram seemed to be in a jovial mood and his parents knew the reason was Sunaina's presence .

" Since Christmas holidays are starting with in two days we willbe leaving for our country house in Glasgow " Vikram's father informed everyone .

Vikram was happy because he would be able to spend more time with Sunaina. " Doll I am sure you will love our country house . It has lots of greenery though you will only find snow there "

"So day after tomorrow we will fly to Glasgow "

Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, and third-largest in the United Kingdom.Glasgow is located on the banks of the River Clyde.

They flew from London to Glasgow . At the airport a chauffeured four wheel drive was waiting for them. It took them another three hours to reach the place where their country house was located.

Sunaina was mesmerised by the beauty of the place. Vast areas of land were full of snow. The country house was a two storeyed structure with around ten rooms.There was a huge fireplace in the living room. Even though the place was centrally heated but Vikram informed her that they used the fireplace occasionally.

Again Vikram and Sunaina got rooms on the first floor while both set of parents resided on the ground floor.

The housekeeper had tea and pastries ready for them. they ate them and then Vikram took her to the nearby horse stable where two horses were ready for them. He took her for a tour of their land which was widespread.

They joined their parents for dinner.

The next few days Vikram and Sunaina would go out in the afternoon and come back by evening. Vikram took her to almost every friends place. He was very popular because at all the places they went she could see that Vikram was the centre of attraction. He was considered to be very intelligent in business matters because she had seen him advising his friends on investments.

Infact she even had to bear the brunt of jealousy of a few girls who had their eyes on becoming his future wife . She couldn't understand them because everyone knew that there was nothing going on between them.

Maybe if she hadn't committed to Arjun she could have thought about Vikram but now it was not possible. When they reached Delhi Arjun's parents would visit her house and their engagement would be announced.

Now thinking of Arjun she realised thst she hadn't spoken to him for the past two days.

Fifteen days had passed and now it was time to go back to London but Sunaina had fallen in love with this place .She would miss the view from her room the most.

Snowcapped mountains could be seen from the balcony . It was very peaceful far away from the hustle and bustle of London city.

Her father s health had also improved a lot in these fifteen stressfree days .

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