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How had her life become so miserable? The same Vikram who had been so caring towards her could not even bear to look at her ? When she had announced she was leaving he did not even try to stop her forcourtesy sake .

She had packed her stuff and would leave early morning the next day before Vikram left for the office.

As usual Vikram came back at midnight . Today again he was heavily drunk . Infact he entered their bedroom threw his suit jacket on a chair and then fell on the bed .

Sunaina was awake pretending to sleep . She waited for him to sleep properly . Then she removed his shoes and socks opened his belt and then dragged him properly in the bed . Lastly she covered him with a blanket . She then looked at his face . He seemed to be very disturbed. 

There were dark circles under his eyes and it had been a long time since she had seen him laughing .

She spent another restless night . She woke up in the morning got ready . It was around 7 AM and she was ready to leave . Vikram was still sound asleep but before leaving she wanted to look at him properly as she might not see him for many days now . His hair was all messed up a strand of hair falling over his eyes so she tucked it behind his ear. She then lightly kissed him on his cheeks . She loved him and it was because of this love that she was leaving him but life without him would be very tough.

Tears were flowing from her eyes as she carried her suitcase downstairs .

She had called a cab to take her to Mr Garg house.

As soon as she reached Mr and Mrs Garg welcomed her with open arms .

They had a room ready for her . They didn't ask her any questions and after a cup of tea she accompanied Mr Garg to his office .

His office was in a floor in a small building consisting of just five rooms wirh a staff of around ten people . His partner was a young fellow Pranay around a few years elder to her . Though they were s small new company but they had landed two new profitable contracts and Sunaina was to be incharge of one of them .

Vikram had again drunk heavily yesterday . These days he was drinking too much and he needed to control himself.Infact he didn't even remember how he had landed in his bed .

He found a glass of lemon water near his bed . Sunaina must have kept it to overcome his hangover.

He showered and then took the lemon water with a smile .

It was times like theses he remembered his days with Sunaina but her decit had hit him hard . She had been enjoying with her boyfriend in Switzerland while he had been working his ass off to meet his wife in the weekend . However where was she ? He hadn't seen her since morning.

He then remembered his morning conversation with Sunaina. He panicked . He called for her . He went downstairs but she was nowhere to be found . He checked with the servants but no one had seen her . He then rushed upstairs and checked her wardrobe . It was mostly empty . Only a few dresses were there . On closer inspection they were those dresses which he had gifted her . So she had left .

  So now his belief was confirmed that she didn't love him . The stark truth was that She had left him.  

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