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The silver gown was gorgeous.

" Whose dress is this?"

" Oh this is mine and I plan to wear this tonight. "

He took the ball gown in his hand and hung it above him.

"So doll how do I look in this dress? Am I not stunning."

" It's for you of course. "

"Who else will this suit? Don't you like it ?"

No it's not that " replied Sunaina.

" Then what ?"

"Here Take this bag also. " He handed here another poly bag . In the bag was a matching branded silver clutch and beautiful silver sandals.

"Vikram I can't take these . This must be very expensive and I already have a dress for the reception .You needn't have bothered"

"If you don't like it give it to someone but don't advise me ?"

" No it's lovely but ok whatever . Thanks I"ll go and get ready for the reception "

Shivani called her but Sunaina informed her that her dress had been arranged.

They were to leave for the reception venue around 8 PM . It was already More than 6 o clock so everyone was getting ready

The gown was simply gorgeous and it was a perfect fit.It had a fitting bodice and a slit at the side which showed her curvaceous legs . It was offshoulder but decent.

She left her hair loose and blow dried it to have a party look.

She applied silver eyeshadow and red lipstick.

Her mom gave her a small diamond necklace to wear along the dress. She also informed her that they would travel with Vikrams parents while Vikram and Sunaina would come in another car.

When she came downstairs Vikram whistled "Doll you look stunning."

She blushed.

Sunaina's mother had tears in her eyes .

" My darling is looking so beautiful . Soon you will leave me."

" Mom I told you . I am not leaving you "

" Aunty don't worry . We will make sure Sunaina lives near you . I won't let her out of my sight "

" Doll this gown suits you . You are looking like an angel", Vikram whispered in her ear.

He took her hand in his and guided her to a car which was waiting to take them to the reception.

" Beta she will be coming soon Actually she is coming with Vikram in a separate car "

On hearing Vikram's name Arjun was alert. . Vikram was gaining on him and Arjun had to do something soon.

After half an hour he saw Sunaina entering with Vikram holding hands together. He was burning with jealousy.

They looked good together and specially Sunaina. This gown suited her perfectly . It was both elegant and sexy . On top of that she had kept her hair loose . Her red lipstick was a pure temptation.

"Su you never showed me this gown . It has to be designer . You know it looks as if it has been specifically created keeping you in mind "Shivani asked her .

Vikram answered her " You guessed right . The designer is a very close friend and she had seen Su so it was created keeping Su in mind and exclusively for Su only"

The reception was again very well arranged with many top industrialists and politicians also present . Both the bride and groom were looking very nice . Vikram's mother gave them the various gifts . After that there were dance performances from both the bride and the grooms family.

Everyone was enjoying the party . Sunsina and Shivani were inseparable so Arjun had the perfect excuse to stsy with them but Vikram regularly interrupted them by asking Sunaina to accompany him for various ceremonies.

The last dance was of the bride and the groom who invited others to join them . Arjun danced with Sunaina while Vikram with Shivani. However when it was turn to swipe partners Sunaina found herself in Vikram's arms .

Vikram had changed . Actually she could notice that something was different in him but she was not sure .

However he had become more caring towards her . He complimented her and did not argue with her .

Arjun could not bear to see the two together . He loved Sunaina and had waited two years to convey his feelings to her so her closeness to Vikram was making him jealous.

" Shivani it's getting late lets go "

" But Arjun dinner has started so lets eat and then I will ask Su if she wants to go with us "

" Su is very busy with Vikram. Can't you see ?"

" I am never busy for my friends. Lets have dinner Shivani "

Arjun Sunaina and Shivani had dinner together after which the two left.

Vikram was searching for her. " Hey Su lets have dinner "

" I have already eaten "

" But I was waiting for you?"

"I didn't know that "

" Ok lets go "

" But your dinner ?"

" Never mind . "

Together Vikram and Sunaina left the party followed by their parents.

After changing in her nightgown Sunaina crept fownstairs yo the kitchen. Without creating any noise she prepared a cheese cucumber sandwich and hot chocolate milk for Vikram and knocked at his room .

Vikram opened his room wearing only pajamas to find Sunaina with a tray in her hands .

He quickly wore a tshirt and asked her. ," what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

She placed the tray on the table," Preparing you something to eat you dumbo?"

" I am not hungry."

" She seated him on the bed . Took the sandwich in her hand and started feeding him.

He moved back and she fell on him ," Why this certain care for me when you didn't wait for me doll ?"

" Vikram don't act childish. Arjun snd Shivani were leaving without dinner so I ate with them . Ok sorry"

" Sorry accepted"

" I am leaving . You eat the sandwich 'l saying this Sunsina started to leave but Vikram stopped her by holding her hand.

He ate the sandwich and then drank the milk .

" Happy?" he asked her .

Yes happy " she smiled .

" You know doll I can do anything to make you smile . Now you may leave "

Sunaina was confused by his behaviour do she quietly left his room .

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