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It was Sunaina and Vikram's first wedding anniversary. He was taking her to India to celebrate it with her parents .

Sunaina,s dad had booked a resort for two nights in Goa . Vikram,s parents , her parents Shivani with her kid and husband and even Arjun was invited.

Life had been a heavenly journey for Sunaina after that incident in Capri Islands .

Vikram loved her so much that everyday she thanked God for giving her such a loving husband. He took care of her every need . She had joined Thakur Industries as Vice President In Manufacturing Division and loved every minute of her job . She went to office with Vikram and they came back home together.

If Vikram ever had to go to a meeting he would first drop her home himself instead of sending her with a driver and then go back .

He was very lavish with gifts and would find stupid excuses to send her flowers and gifts . Every month he would take her for a short weekend trip to some country .

They days were beautiful but the nights were just heavenly because every night Vikram would make passionate love to her taking her to new heights of pleasure . He loved kissing her and touching her body And making love to her .

As per her wish Vikram had not taken any legal action against Akshay Oberoi but sometimes she was doubtful that Vikram had forgiven Akshay.

Her in laws were her second set of parents . Her mother in law took even more care of her than her mother . Her father in law respected her opinion even in company matters . During many of their weekend trips her in laws also accompanied them .She was their daughter not their daughter in law . As for her sister in law , she was simply the sister Sunaina had yearned for .

Today was their first wedding anniversary . They were in Goa and Vikram had a few surprises for his wife . Tonight at their beach party he was going to surprise his wife .

As usual his wife was looking so beautiful in the long halter neck beach dress . With her curvy legs , long flowing hair , blue green eyes and red lips she was a seductress . His eyes darkened with desire on seeing her dressed like that . She knew the way she affected him so she teased him by asking him to tie the knot of the dress at the back .

His fingers traced her back seductively causing a sigh to escape her lips . He then pulled her towards him and kissed her lips passionately. ," Hey Vikram you are spoiling my lipstick "

"With you dressed like that do you think poor me can handle a few hours ?"

"Well we do have half an hour before the party starts" she hinted .

He kissed her again , untied her knot and kissed her breasts . He spent a good fifteen minutes pleasuring her breasts then tied her dress ,"I can wait till the night my dear. Its time for the party "

Sunaina was fully aroused Inwardly screaming for completion but Vikram was right . They had to be on time.

Together they entered the party hand in hand looking into each others eyes .

Their love for each other was reflecting in the eyes and was their for all to see .

The Cake was cut and then presents given . Sunaina's parents gifted them platinum rings while Vikram's parents gifted them a cruise vacation.

Sunaina gifted Vikram a specially exclusive diamond encrusted watch which she had got specially designed for him while Vikram surprised her with a beautiful villa in the fishing village near Capri Islands in Italy. She had been awestruck by the beauty of the villas there and Vikram had seen that so he had bought her a villa in the village .

Shivani and her husband also gifted her a beautiful Kanjeevaram saree and a business suit for Vikram .

Arjun and Vikram had become good friends and Vikram realised that Arjun cared for his wife but his wife had eyes only for her husband

Arjun congratulated both , gave his presents and then informed Sunaina that he too had found someone special . Next week he was getting engaged to her .

Sunaina was ecstatic. Whatever little guilt she had left for spoiling Arjun's life was over . Her best friend was getting married and she was very happy for him .

She made the announcement and everyone congratulated Arjun .

Now Vikram gave her another surprise, He announced that Thakur Industries had taken over Oberoi Industries totally and Oberoi Industries would be under the manufacturing division of Thakur Industries with Sunaina Thakur as its President and CEO .

Sunaina was stunned at this announcement.

Later on when they were dancing she asked him ," What was this announcement of taking over Oberoi Industries?"

"Darling wife . As from today Oberoi Industries does not exist . There were two reasons . One the fire at our office was not accidental . Akshay Oberoi had arranged it . Secondly that bastard had dared to touch my wife . I could forgive him for the fire but never for my wife . I didn't take legal action because I promised you but I destroyed the company's business first and then bought it . Don't worry I paid Mr Oberoi for the company but Akshay didn't get a single penny since that was my condition for buying it .In any case his father has disinherited him . So I took my revenge in true business style ."

Before you give any remark you are mine and who so ever even dares to look at you will have to bear the consequences "

"But then poor me . Who will dare to look at me now ?"Sunaina teased him with an innocent face .

"I do know of a daring gentleman by the name Vikram " Vikram remarked .

"Take me to him please . I am in dire need of someones love " Sunaina remarked .

"Yes madam , as you desire " Vikram lifted her in his arms and carried her in front of everyone at the party to their suite .

"Vikram how could you ? What must everyone think of us ?"

"Oh I know . Everyone will know that I am too impatient to wait for the party to finish before making love to my lovely wife " saying this he pulled her for a kiss .

  It was a kiss full of love and promise for another love filled exciting night ahead  

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