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Vikram went to his bedroom to take rest while Sunaina attended to the servants .

She was disturbed by what Vikram had told her .If Vikram believed that the fire was not an accident then she trusted his instincts. But then who was to blame? She knew that Thakur Industries had business rivals but would they stoop so low ? There was only one way to find out go to the scene of the accident .

Vikram slept for two hours and woke up abruptly. He found Sunaina downstairs," Doll you didn't wake me up ?"

"Vikram you have not over slept. You have just slept for two hours and you needed the rest"

Then he contacted Neeraj who informed him that the police at the scene was considering this as an accident and were going to report the same .Infact they were waiting for Vikram.

Both Vikram and Sunaina left for the Office together.

On reaching his Office Sunaina was on the verge of tears . His office was entirely destroyed. Only the safe was ok . Rest of the furniture was either burnt to ashes or available in bits of broken burnt pieces.

Vikram had a gloomy expression on his face . The investigators asked him to check whatever was left of his cabin . He was also asked to check his safe .

He checked the folders and files which seemed to be intact .

Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary so the investigators declared that due to a short circuit in his office the fire had started .

Still there was a nagging feeling at the back of his mind that he was missing something .

Sunaina questioned him but he asked her to remain quiet.

The police sealed the area for two days .

On reaching home Sunaina asked him ," Vikram isn't it odd that a short circuit occured when you had yourself informed me that you get the wires regularly checked by the electrical company who is in contract with your company . Why don't you speak with them ?"

When Vikram spoke with the concerned person he informed them that the entire network had been checked a week ago and chances of catching fire were next to none.

After hearing this his doubts increased .

"Sunaina somthing is definitely fishy"

Sunaina further elaborated , "Vikram according to the police the fire started from your office . Could it be possible that the something valuable was taken from your office and the fire was created to cover up their tracks . Did you have any important contract or tender coming up ?"

That is when it struck Vikram . They were preparing quotations for a major UK govt tender and many other companies including the one in which Sunaina was on internship were interested.

He again took Sunaina to the office and asked the investigators if he could collect some files from the safe .

He collected five files and then in the car opened the one marked tenders .

The file had all the papers . He was confused because it was intact.

Sunaina pointed to him thst after page 11 ,page 12 and 13 were present but the quotations didn't have any values allotted to them . So the pages must have been changed . These were not original .

Tomorrow by 10 AM was the last date to enter and all the papers from which the calculations were done were destroyed in the fire .

Vikram was a financial wizard but he still needed some background information . He was disheartened.

He called Neeraj because he trusted him only. Neeraj brought his laptop which had some information. Sunaina had done her btech in mechanical engineering and she decided to put her knowledge to use .

Using last years tender rates , Sunaina asked for the appreciation in the cost of steel . She then used her engineering skills to calculate the quantity of raw material they would require for the project . She gave an approximate cost of their raw materials while Neeraj and Vikram checked the labour and other costs.

Finally by early morning their tender quotations were ready .

They slept for another two hours and then both Neeraj and Vikram got ready.

Sunaina was extremely nervous . She just hoped against hope that her calculations were correct and they would get the tender .

She literally jumped when her phone rang but it was not Vikram. It was her boss calling informing her that they would be leaving for a conference to London the next day for a week .

As she kept the phone Vikram lifted her in his arms ," Doll we won . We got the contract "

Even Neeraj exclaimed ," All thanks to your effort Sunaina "

"No Neeraj it was our joint effort "

"Neeraj you take rest . In any case we can't work in burnt offices . So we will discuss some alternative tomorrow . You haven't slept the entire night so just take rest today "

Neeraj left and Vikram kissed Sunaina passionately.

Sunaina kissed him back . His hands unbuttoned three of her front buttons and his hands wandered to her breasts gently playing with them . Sunaina arched her body so that her pink aroused nipples were easily visible through her lacy bra .

He placed his mouth on one of her breasts and gently played with it using his tongue . Then he moved his attention to the other breast sucking it with his mouth . Sunaina drowned in those delicious sensations . She wanted more .

Her hands moved under his shirt tracing circles at his back .

However they were interrupted in their lovemaking session when the servant knocked at the door informing that the head of the investigators was waiting to meet Vikram.

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