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"Oh Vikram I needed you so much " she rushed towards him and hugged him but he pushed her back ,

She looked towards him but was shocked to see them full of hatred for her . The same eyes which had always shown love and affection were now shooting daggers at her .

Then she realised what he had accused her of . He had accused her of having an affair with Arjun .

" Vikram you have got it all wrong . There is nothing between me and Arjun . We are just good friends ."

Friends don't stay together in each others room the entire night . I reached late night and waited for you the entire night just to surprise you and what you did you stabbed me at my back . I was waiting for you and when you come to your room in the morning you are in the arms of your lover . Infact you are crying to see him leaving and he being the best lover in the world is ready to reschedule his flight so that he may spend more time with you ."

" Its not what it looks like Vikram ."

" Oh so now I shouldn't even believe what I have seen with my naked eyes ?"

" Tell me Sunaina why didn't you tell me that Arjun too was invited for this conference ? Isn't he the reason you came to Switzerland?"

" I didn't know then "

" ok. If I believe you then why didn't you tell me when you met him here ? Didn't we talk daily ?"

" I wasn't sure how you would react ?"

" So you knew that I wouldn't be happy ? Then shouldn't you have told me ? Didn't you think I would trust you ?"

" I am sorry Vikram I should have told you . But believe me I would have told you when I came back "

" Forget it . Did you sleep with him Sunaina? Just tell me , is he a better lover ? But then you can't compare because we have never made live yet ? Is he the reason you didn't consummate our marriage ? Speak up Sunaina will you ?"

" No I haven't slept with anyone . I don't love him I love you dammit . And why are you not calling me doll or darling ?"

" Because you don't deserve it . From now on you are. only Sunaina and no one else "

" Please believe me I have done nothing wrong Vikram "

" Believe you my foot . At present I don't feel like looking at your slutty face even "

He threw the cushions from the sofa and left the room in a rage .

Sunaina was shocked at his behaviour . Why didn't he believe her ? To some extent she was to blame because she had never behaved as a proper wife and now when she loved him he literally hated her .

He took a pillow and went to sleep in the living room sofa .

Vikram was badly hurt . He had finished work early so that he would join his wife in Switzerland on Saturday night . He planned to surprise her . However first his flight had got delayed by three hours and when he reached her hotel he bribed the bell boy to open her room . He thought maybe her party had got delayed so he waited for an hour .

When it was already two A M he went downstairs to find that the party had finished around midnight so where was Sunaina?

Well maybe she was with her boss so he still waited for another hour . He was in the bathroom when he heard the door opening . He rushed to the bedroom but stopped when he heard two voices .

She had been through so much that she fell on the bed crying and she fell asleep .

Vikram returned in a drunken state saw her sleeping on the bed looked at her," she is such an actress looking so innocent even in her Sleep while she is such a back biter in real life "

After that what he saw opened his eyes to the true nature of his wife . She was literally in Arjuns arms crying because he was leaving and Arjun was consoling her and ready to stay .

He had been such a fool and now he was not going to forgive Sunaina come what may happened.

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