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The next few days passed similarly.Vikram was sleeping on the sofa while Sunaina slept alone on the huge bed . Though they had yet to make love but she had gotten used to sleeping with Vikram . Now she missed his touch or his arm wrapped around her while asleep .

.Vikram would wake up early morning go for his morning walk and would then head for an hour in the inhouse gym . The first day she had made coffee for him when he came from the gym but instead of drinking it he had gone straight for a shower and then got dressed for his office .

She prepared his favourite breakfast but he left saying he would be late for a meeting .

Sunaina threw the entire contents in the dustbin and cried the full day .

He called from the office but didn't speak with her . He simply informed the staff that he wouldn't come home for dinner so madam should not wait for him .

He would leave early and comeback around midnight . This went on for another two weeks .

After two weeks Sunaina decided to confront him . " Vikram what work do you have till midnight?"

" What does it matter to you ?"

" Vikram I am your wife and I have a right to know "

" Isn't it a little to late to perform your wifely duties especially when you have never been my wife in the truest sense "

"Does being a wife mean only sleeping with your husband then I am ready for it ?"

" But I am not ready now ?"

"Why are you not ready ?"

" What if I say I have found someone just like you have Arjun?"

" This is Arjun's number . Call him and check our relationship because I am fed up of your accusations ?"

" I will not call him because he is not to blame you are to blame for this mess . Just leave me alone . You can't give me love at least give me peace" saying this he left the room .

Sunaina again cried the whole day . Life couldn't go on like this . If  Vikram hated her so much she had to leave him and that was the only solution.But she couldn't go back to India or to her parents house so she needed to stay independently in London .

After her mind was set she called Mr Garg .He might be able to help her find a job .

He listened to her side of the story and offered to speak to

Vikram but she refused .

He however also offered her a job in his new company . It was a small company but since he was a partner in it he could appoint her . As far as accommodation was concerned he invited her tostay at his house bwcause he and his wife were alone after their daughter got married last year .

All was set so she would be moving on Sunday. When Vikram arrived home she informed him that she had a new job which also provided accommodation so she would be moving on Sunday.

  He didn't even react to this news. Whatever little hope she had of reviving their relationship was also lost .  

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