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"Oh my God Arjun .". She couldn't stop herself from hugging him .

Arjun couldn't believe his eyes . It was Su the love of his life . When she hugged him he couldn't stop himself and he hugged her back .He was seeing her after around six months . She was still the same beautiful Su .

He knew that she had broken his heart and till now his life was not properly on track but he couldn't be angry with her for long because he loved her .

"Su is Vikram here as well ?"

" No Vikram is in London . Actually I am representing Oberoi Industries . I work as an intern there . What about you ?"

" I represent The Singhania Corporation . I am working as Vice President Marketing . My boss had some other commitment so I had to come here . "

" Vice President wow "

"Just been promoted Su "

"Oh Arjun I cant explain how happy I am to meet you "

"Same here Su "

"Arjun you are staying for the entire week or leaving early ?"

"The entire week Su "

"Where are you staying ?"

" Here in this hotel on the sixth floor . What about you Su "

" Same hotel same floor "

" Arjun lets meet for breakfast tomorrow "

The next morning Sunaina got ready and Arjun knocked at her door . Together they entered the breakfast room of the hotel . They sat on the same table . They were halfway through breakfast When Sunaina boss entered with Mr Akshay Oberoi .

They asked them to join but Mr Akshay refused . He was however closely observing Sunaina with Arjun . They seemed to be quite comfortable with each other .

Akshay had an eye on her . Infact he himself had selected Sunaina for the internship so that he could use this opportunity to come close to her but it seemed thst she had admirers everywhere .

Arjun left breakfast early promising Su to meet in the evening .

Su joined Akshay and her boss at their table . She had seen Akshay observing them so she informed him that Arjun was an old friend and they had studied at the same college .

The entire day passed in various meetings and presentations . Sunaina was loving the experience.

In between She called Vikram . She was missing him terribly.

Arjun was caught up in some work work so he called her that he couldn't meet her for dinner .

She decided to order room service so when her boss called she informed him of the same .

The next day someone knocked at her door .Believing it to be Arjun she opened the door to find Akshay . " Sunaina lets go for breakfast "

" Sir you go downstairs I will join you later "

" Well if you are not ready I can wait inside your room " he suggested .

Sunaina was not comfortable around him so she simply locked the door and followed him .

" Sir where is boss ?"

" He is having breakfast in his room so I decided to give you company and please call me Akshay . Sir makes me feel old though I must be only a few years elder to you"

She chose to ignore the comment and went with him for breakfast.

However Akshay was behaving as a perfect gentleman . He pulled out the chsir for her to sit and when his hand accidentally touched hers he apologised but still Sunaina's sixth sense was warning her that this man was fake .

Arjun waved at her from a nearby table but since she was sitting with her boss he didn't come over .

After the meetings commenced around 5 o, clock Sunaina simply left the venue avoiding Akshay .

Arjun was waiting for her at the lobby and together they went for dinner outside the hotel .

" Arjun how is Shivani? I haven't spoken to her for six months? Isn't it strange ? We could not even imagine a day apart and now its been six months ?"

"Shi is very happy . Her husband adores her and she loves him equally. She misses you but she will never call you "

Arjun called Shivani ," Shi a surprise . See who I met in Zurich?"

Shivani jumped in joy on seeing Sunaina. " Su its you . Oh my God I can't believe this . How are you darling?"

" I am fine . Vikram is a very good husband and he loves me a lot ." She flinched on this sentence looking at Arjun but he smiled sadly and placed his hand above hers ," Its Ok Su . The past is best left forgotten . I know Vikram is a good fellow and he loves you "

She spoke with Shivani for half an hour . They then finished dinner and took a cab to the hotel.

Tonight she was very happy . She had found her sister again .

She was about to sleep when Vikram called , " So how was your day my darling "

"Just wonderful "

She however didn't tell Vikram of her meeting with Arjun because maybe he wouldn't understand.

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