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Vikram showered and quickly dressed for breakfast .His mood had improved because Sunaina had taken the first step in this relationship. He was a patient man and waiting for another few days wasn't going to matter .

They had a liesurely breakfast and then a car had been sent to take them home .

At home Sunaina was welcomed with open arms . Her aunty now her mother in law kissed her on her forehead and welcomed her , " Dear you go and take rest in your room and we will call you when lunch is served "

" But Aunty "

" No aunty its mom . You are my daughter . You remember saying that you are also like my daughter . That day only I decided that I would bring you to my house as Vikram's bride . And see God has fulfilled my wish and you are here "

" Can I interrupt this mother and daughter?"

" Of course Kiran but now she is my daughter first and yours later "

"Su we are leaving day after tomorrow . I hope all is well between you and Vikram "

" Why are you worried now mom ? Its my life and I will do as I please "

"Beta we are your parents of course we will worry for you?"

" Mom you didn't listen to me . I told you I had committed to Arjun . Now what you have done is played with three lives "

" Vikram is a good person beta . You will be happy with him. You will realise sooner or later that your father made the right decision ."

" Mom I know that but I was not ready . Infact I am still not ready "

" Why what happened between you and Vikram?"

" Nothing happened . We stayed in the hotel as two friends and not lovers "

" Beta you have to give this relationship a chance "

" Mom I will not hurt Vikram I promise that rest I don't know "

Kiran sighed and left the room .

Life was going to be difficult because this meant that Sunaina and Vikram had not started the physical part of their marriage and she was sure that Sunaina was responsible for this .

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