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Sunaina liked the atmosphere of the new office . Initially Pranay had been quite reserved with her reluctant to appoint her because it was a small company and they had just started out so her salary was an added burden but when he saw how hard she worked and how good she was he realised that Mr Garg was right in appointing her .

The next week Sunaina adjusted to her new life . She enjoyed working during the day . Infact she kept on working till 8 PM and Mr Garg had to drag her home

. It was the nights which were lonely . She missed Vikram . What she felt for him was something very new . Ever since leaving home not one night had she slept peacefully . Her heart pinned for her husband . She missed his smile, his adoring looks and even his kisses .

She had never been much of a physical person but Vikram's love had changed her . Her body ached for him . She longed to be in his arms , for him to touch her , to kiss her .

It was as if a piece of her heart was numb . She kept on crying for the first four nights but then her tears dried up . She had to control her emotions because she had to survive on her own now . There was no Vikram to help her out .

Sometimes she felt like going back and confronting him but then trust could not be forced it had to be from inside . He had to trust her with his heart.

Mr Garg was worried for Sunaina . She didn't complain but he could see she was suffering. She no longer smiled and her appetite had also decreased. She was a good girl who had been through so much . She deserved happiness .

Vikram had loved her with all his heart and she had simply left as if she didn't care . Didn't his feelings matter even this much to her?

He was a workaholic but now couldn't concentrate on his work . He hadalways been a good person so why was he being punished ?

He had given her so much time couldn't she have done the same ? He loved her so maybe with time he could have forgiven her infidelity.

His work was suffering and so was his health . He was not taking proper breakfast and lunch was usually a sandwich at Office. After office he would end up at some bar where he would drink heavily and come back home at midnight in an inebriated state .

The lonely nights at home scared him so he came late .

He missed her . He missed waking up to her smiling face with his coffee in her hand and then her delicious breakfast at the table .

He longed to touch her silky hair., her beautiful breasts and her full lips .

Though they had not yet made love but he had touched her intimately. Their chemistry had been explosive and he yearned for her touch .

Where was she ? She had informed him that she had a new job . Was Arjun in London? Had he offered her a job somehow? Were they staying together ? Was she spending her nights in his arms ?

When he closed his eyes he could see the fully aroused Sunaina with her lips open, her nipples aroused and her eyes darkened with lust and Arjun making love to her.

He had to do something.

Maybe he was frustated because he had been celibate for so long . He believed in committment but if his wife could go astray then he could do the same .

Tonight he would spend with any beautiful woman so that he could erase her memories from his mind forever.

In the evening he met a beautiful blond model at the bar who was more than willing to share his bed with him .

He booked a room in the nearest five star hotel.From tonight Sunaina would be out of his life forever .

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