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Sunaina was feeling very guilty. She was solely responsible for this mess . Arjun was heartbroken Shivani was hurt and even her parents were angry with her .

She wanted to shut herself in a room and cry for hours . She didn't love Vikram and didn't want to marry him but if she retaliated she would lose her relationship with her parents. Infact her step would bring bad name not only to her parents but also Vikram's family .

However in this process she had already list her sister like best friend and had caused so much emotional anguish to Arjun . The only consolation was that Arjun's family was nowhere involved .

Vikram found her crying in her room 'l Hey doll whats wrong ? Why are you crying?"

Before she could answer Sunaina's mother entered her room ," Vikram beta she is going to leave us soon thst is why she is crying . Which girl doesn't cry when she is about to get married?"

" Hey doll I promise you you can come any time to meet your parents . Infact if you want we can stay for a few months with them . "

" Beta she is having prewedding jitters . You don't worry I wil take care . By the way Sunaina's dad is calling you . He wants to discuss some wedding arrangements "

" Ok aunty but please take care of my doll for me "

Saying this Vikram left the room .

" Sunaina have you seen how much Vikram cares for you ? Why were you crying dear ?"

" Mom I have ruined Arjun's life . He is not eating anything and is in a very bad shape all because of his love for me "

" Look Sunaina Arjun is a nice guy . He will find some suitable girl soon ."

" Why can't I be that girl ?"

" Firstly because it's too late and so many people are involved and secondly I sm convinced that you fo not love him . Don't you think he deserves someone who loves him equally ?"

Somehow what her mom said made sense so she stopped crying .

Vikram was again doubtful of Sunaina . He could see she was not very happy of the fact that they were getting  married .

When Kiran aunty came out of the room he asjed her , "Aunty are you sure it is prewedding jitters and not something else ? Somehow I have a feeling that Sunaina us not happy with us getting married ?"

Sunainas father intervened, Beta Sunaina is our only child.She has always been very close to us . Even while studying in Jodhpur she visited us every month so it isn't going to be easy for her to leave us and go to London . That is the only reason she is crying . As for any other reason she is lucky to have found someone like you who loves her so much . So remove all doubts from your mind "

Vikram was now convinced that Sunaina was sad on leaving her parents . He decided to look after her well and bring her to India as frequently as possible .

Today it was Sunday the day of her best friends wedding . Her mother hinted at her to avoid going to Shivani's wedding but she was adamant.

Vikram and Sunaina arrived just before the baraat . Shivani parents welcomed her gracefully but the original warmth was missing.

She went straight to Shivani's room ," Hi darling you are looking so beautiful. "

Vikram too commented ," Shivani you are looking so beautiful today that if I hadn't been engaged to your best friend I would have eloped with you .Ok now you two friends spend time together and I will wait outside ."

" Su why did you come ? I asked you not to come here ?"

" But Shi I had to come?"

" After ruining my brothers life you have no part in my life "

" shivani I really tried but the engagement was a surprise. . It was suddenly announce and I couldn't refuse "

" Don't give me any excuses "

" You could have easily refused . The truth is that. you were attracted by Vikram's wealth . You knew thst even though Arjun bhaiya could give you a good life but Vikram could give you a lifetime of luxuries so you changed "

" No Shi I don't care for his money . Its my dad . He has asked me to choose between Arjun and my parents ? What can I do ? I care for Arjun and take full responsibility that I have broken his heart but I didn't deceive him . I am still ready to marry him but not against the wishes of my parents."

" Su please leave . I don't want Arjun bhaiya to see you"

" Shi please "

Arjun had overheard their conversation ," Shivani don't ger upset . Let Sunaina attend your wedding . I have no grudges against her "

Sunaina looked towards Arjun . In a few days he had lost weight and his eyes had a hollow look .," Arjun I am sorry but all this was sudden and unintentional . I will never forgive myself for hurting you "

" Su I can not see you crying . Just attend the wedding and leave . And I hope to God that we never meet again "

All this was too much for her so Sunaina quietly placed her gift and left the room with tearful eyes , " Vikram I have met Shivani so lets go back "

" Don't you want to wait till the rituals are completed ?"

" No Vikram the baraat is delayed so we will miss our return flight . I have met Shivani so lets leave "

Sunaina's heart was breaking . She had lost two people she cared about.

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