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Sunaina had just one more month left in this company . It had been a pleasant three months now working here .Her immediate boss had been wonderful helping her out with her assignments and even checking if she had taken lunch or not . She was going to miss working with him . He had taught her a lot and simultaneously been like a father figure to her .

It had been a month after that picnic but they had still not made love . It was not due to lack of mood but more due to lack of time or opportunity . He wanted everything to be special that night so was waiting for the perfect opportunity .

The opportunity arrived after a month . His parents had booked a two month cruise and were leaving tomorrow .

The entire day was spent in packing their stuff and making other arrangements .

Mrs Thakur was instructing Sunaina how to look after everything and how to manage the various servants .

Before leaving she went to Sunaina's room ," Beta we are leaving now but I wanted to speak with you in private. I know that you and Vikram have been friends for long but I also know that you are not living the life of a married couple . Sleeping on one bed cannot fool me .I know I shouldn't interfere in your life but you are my children and I care for both of you .

I know your engagement was a surprise for both of you.However I have noticed in the last two weeks that you have fallen in love with my son . Beta Vikram has loved you for the past many years . He is a good guy and he will always love you and I am not saying this because he is my son but because even I am a lady and the way he looks at you shows how much he adores you.

You are ready now and we are also leaving so please start your married life now . You are two of my favourite children and I have seen that you love Vikram so don't hesitate just take the plunge . Beta I am always there for you . You just need to make a call and I will be there ."

Sunaina was touched by her mom in laws gesture.

They left in the afternoon . Vikram went to drop them . It was a Saturday today and she had taken off from work . Since there wasn't anything to do shegave the cook the day off and decided to prepare dinner .

She decided to cook chickrn hongkong style , vegetables in almond sauce and steamed rice . For desert she decided on chocolate pudding.

While she was busy in the kitchen Vikram arrived carrying some bags .

He went to their bedroom and spent more than half an hour there . She had finished her cooking and made coffee for both of them .

Vikram quietly entered the kitchen and encircled her in his arms . " Whats my darling wife doing ?"

" Cooking dinner for us "

" wheres our cook ?"

" I gave him the day off "

" Perfect for what I have in mind . Infact I will give all the servants the day off "

They both sat in the living room having coffee when Vikram asked ," Hey doll lets have a candlelight dinner . The food is ready. You lay the table and I will make rest of the arrangements "

" Here is something I bought for you . You can change downstairs while I take a shower upstairs ", he handed her a package .

When she opened the package it contained a short black off shoulder dress and matching black heels.

She took a shower and changed into the dress . It was a very short dress just about covering her thighs but made her feel very sexy . She applied red lipstick and kept her hair loose .

THE LOVE TRIANGLEWhere stories live. Discover now