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Venice was truly a romantic city .The next morning Vikram woke upto the smell of fresh coffee.

This meant Sunaina was awake . He freshened up and was about to get out of bedroom when a smiling Sunaina looking adorable in a yellow sundress arrived carrying a tray with two cups and the leftover cookies.

"Something smells fresh and delicious "

"Well my dear husband the coffee is fresh but the cookies are from yesterday "

She sat next to him with her cup of coffee and handing him his .

She was so beautiful even without makeup . Her skin was soft as satin while her hair was silky . His fingers were tempted to touch her again.

"Darling this coffee would taste much sweeter if I taste it from your lips ." Sayig this he pulled her on top of him and kissed her coffee full lips

"Umm it's definitely much sweeter . I could get used to their taste "

His hands moved to the knot at the back of her sundress untying it . Her breasts were covered in a barely their lacy structure causing his desire to increase tenfold . He kissed them gently causing Sunaina to groan ," Vikram this is not fair . You had promised to take me to the nearby islands and now you are in no mood to leave " she pouted.

"If my wife comes dressed as a seductress what can a poor young man like me do ?"

"There is nothing wrong with my dress "

"Oh its perfect . The problem is that you are looking so pretty in it and now that I have a sneak peek on what your wearing underneath I don't think that I can survive the day " saying this he pulled her to bed kissing her and teasing her so that she herself kissed him back .

Kissing lead to other things and they were again inbed making love .

It took them another hour and another round of lovemaking before they got out of bed .

After breakfast Vikram hired a private boat to take them to the islands of murano , burano and torcello.

Their guide took them to the glass factory where they watched glass being blown at a Murano glass factory, .

Sunaina was fascinated by the entire process . She bought some lovely souvenirs and gifts for Shivani and also her mother in law who was mainly responsible for her newly found happiness.

Then they visited the historical cathedrals. They saw Byzantine churches on Torcello—the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and the Church of Santa Fosca . 

Their last stop was the island of Burano . They saw beautiful laces on Burano and admired the painted houses . They were informed that The lace work was so intricate thst a small piece may take more than six hours to make .But the end product was beautiful.

Vikram secretly got some packed for Sunaina.

By the time they visited Burano they were hungry . The guide took them to an exclusive cafe which served lovely Italian food for lunch .

When they reached the hotel they were very tired so they took a short nap .

They woke near dinner time but when Vikram asked her if she wanted to go out Sunaina refused.

They went downstairs to the bar had a glass if wine each and then took a light dinner in the hotel itself.

They went back to their room . No sooner had the door closed that Vikram cornered her to the wall . He literally tore her dress from her body and kissed her ferociously. But Sunaina was too turned on to care . She removed his shirt and returned the favour. Clothes were thrown on the floor and they didn't even reach the bedroom. They made live on the couch.

Their love making was wild and quick . ," I'm sorry darling but I couldn't control myself . I was in an aroused state the entire day and the moment I found you alone I had to have you . I hope I didn't hurt you . I was very rough wasn't I ?"Vikram apologised.

" Shh Vikram you speak too much . I loved it . It was just fabulous but since you are so apologetic I wouldn't mind a repeat performance " she hinted naughtily to him .

Sunaina knew that they were leaving tomorrow so this might be their last night here and she wanted it to never end . She didn't want to leave so soon .It had been wonderful . Not only was her husband a wonderful lover but she enjoyed being with him . The last two dsys she had thoroughly enjoyed herself and the nights had been even better .

"Your wish is my command darling " saying this he lifted her and took her to the large bed where they made wild passionate love again . 

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