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Tonight was the night Vikram had been waiting for a long time . Tonight he planned to show Sunaina what he felt for her .

The bridal suite of this hotel had been booked for two nights for them .

As soon as they entered the suite Sunaina was stunned by its opulence and decorations . The suite had pure white walls but the furnishings were in passionate red .

The living room had a sofa with a round table which had a cake and a bottle of champagne. There was a bunch of red roses in a flower vase.

If the living room was well decorated then the bedroom was a step further. Right from the red satin sheets to satin pillow covers the room screamed of passion .

There were two bouquets of red roses and the floor had many scented candles .

The bedroom had very dim lights giving it a romantic touch .

On the bed HAPPY MARRIED LIFE was written using rose petals . It was a room meant for making love .

Sunaina was in no mood to start the physical aspect of her married life so soon . Everything had happened so quickly the engagement , the wedding , the heartbreak that she needed time .

Before she could discuss this with Vikram he was in the bathroom and she heard the shower running .

Near the bed was a packet with the name Sunaina mentioned on it . It was a gift from her sister in law who had mentioned that a gift had been kept for her in her suite .

When she opened the packet inside was a beautiful red coloured net short night dress for her to wear . It was literally see through and Sunaina could not even imagine herself wearing something like that .

" Whats that you have in your hand doll ?"

" Nothing "she hid it behind her back .

She went inside the bathroom and took ages for a shower.

When she came out she was wearing a cotton long nightdress .

Vikram was not expecting her to wear something very revealing but this was just too much .

She stood near the bed for at least ten minutes contemplating what to say to Vikram .

" Doll whats the matter why aren't you coming to bed ?"

" Vikram I am sorry to say but I am just not ready for this "

" What this ?"

" Don't act dumb . I know we are married and you must have some expectations from your wife but I am just not ready "

"Look doll I can wait no problem "

" But it might be a long wait "

" But why ? Are you not happy with this marriage?"

" No Vikram . You are a nice guy but I never wanted to marry you because I don't love you "

Vikram was hurt but still he asked her to come and sleep on the bed to which she refused again .

Sunaina took an extra blanket frim the cupboard and went to sleep on the sofa in the living room .

After half an hour her blanket was pulled from her .

" Vikram what are you doing? I told you I am not ready for sex can't you understand?"

" Go and sleep on the bed doll"

" I told you I am comfortable here "

" But I am not . No wife of mine is going to sleep on the sofa. Don't worry it is a huge bed and we can sleep on the sides . And don't worry I won't pounce on you "

She quietly went to the bed and slept on one side . As soon as she lay on the bed she fell asleep but Vikram did not sleep a wink that night .

He sat in the living room the entire night thinking what had gone wrong and where was he at fault in this .

Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that his first night with Sunaina would be like this.

THE LOVE TRIANGLEWhere stories live. Discover now